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An informal cookout like her sister was having was one thing. This engagement party sounded like a big deal. “Are you sure someone won’t mind you bringing an uninvited guest?”

“It’ll only be my family, Rock’s parents, and maybe his oldest brother. I’m not even sure if his other two are stateside right now.” He wrapped a hand over each of her shoulders. “If you’d rather skip it though we can. It’s not a big deal if I miss it. Uncle Mark knows not everyone will make it on such short notice. And Allison will understand if I don’t get there.”

Upstairs she’d been worried about asking Brett to meet her parents and now he wanted to her to meet most of his family. Evidently, she’d worried for nothing. “If you want, I’ll come, but I’ll need to repack before we leave. How formal is this party going to be?”

His cousin Derek had come across as down-to-earth, but tomorrow she’d be surrounded by some of society’s most elite individuals. The old cutoffs and T-shirt in her bag wouldn’t cut it.

Brett gave her a smile bright enough to light up her entire house. “Outstanding. But don’t stress about your clothes. It’s at Uncle Mark’s house, so nothing formal.”

The man he kept calling Uncle Mark was also supreme court chief justice in Rhode Island. Someone with a title like that wouldn’t throw a party where cutoffs were acceptable. “I’ll be right back.”

She started to turn but stopped when she remembered they planned to take Bo with them back to Brett’s house. His uncle might not mind an extra human guest, but a four-legged one might not go over so well. She opened her mouth to speak, but didn’t get the opportunity.

“Already figured it, so don’t worry,” he said. “Tomorrow I’ll follow you here. You can drop off the dog, and we can drive over to my uncle’s together. The party is at his house in Barrington. After the party, I’ll bring you home and drive back to North Salem.”

How had he’d known what she was thinking? “Do you have some special minding reading abilities you never told me about?”

He moved into her personal space again. “Just good at planning and carrying out missions.” Brett gave her a kiss. “My current mission is introducing you to my family.”


Brett parked behind the same minivan he’d seen at Jen’s house the previous weekend and a silver sedan. “You do live close to your sister.” It had taken them less than ten minutes to get from Jen’s to her sister’s.

“Before Kristen got her current job, she traveled a fair amount for work. Dan is a basketball coach at Providence College so he travels like crazy, especially during basketball season. I bought a house nearby so I could help her out.” She picked her purse up off the floor and reached for the door handle. “Mom and Dad live within walking distance. Bella goes there every day after school until Kristen gets home from work.”

He’d seen a picture of who he guessed were Jen’s parents in her living room. She didn’t resemble either of them. There’d also been a copy of the same picture she’d sent him. While Jen didn’t resemble the couple in the photo, her brother Keith and sister Kristen did. There had also been a photo of a young girl with hair so blonde it almost looked white. Although the hair and eyes were different from Kristen’s, the girl looked enough like her mother that Bret knew it was Jen’s niece.

The same girl from the photo answered the door after Jen rang the bell. “Hey, Auntie Jen.” The girl glanced in his direction and gave him a look that said, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

“Hey sweetie. Thanks for taking care of Bo last night.” Jen hugged her niece and kissed her cheek before looking back at him. “Brett, this is my niece, Bella. She always does a fantastic job of taking care of Bo.”

Jen had told him Bella was ten. How did you greet a ten-year-old girl? A handshake seemed over the top. A hug would be inappropriate, and he certainly couldn’t salute her. “Hello.”

She treated him to another piercing glance, and he wondered if she led a

secret life as a police interrogator. “Hi,” she finally said before looking back at her aunt. “Are you staying for the cookout?”

“Uh, I’m not sure.” Jen didn’t sound surprised by the invitation.

“Mom got stuff to make s’mores, and Gram is bringing brownies.”

Jen looked at him and then took his hand. “We’ll think about it. Where’s your mom?”

“In the kitchen, and Dad’s in the backyard.” A song he didn’t recognize erupted from the tablet in Bella’s hands. “It’s Gretchen. She’s getting a dog today,” she said before taking off up the stairs.

Brett didn’t know how much longer they’d be alone, so before she led him into the kitchen, he said, “Did you know about the cookout?”

“Kristen invited me this morning. I wasn’t sure if you’d want to stick around for it or not.”

“If there’ll be s’mores and brownies around, I’m game.”

“And my parents. My brother-in-law’s parents are coming too.”

He failed to see a problem. “You’re going to meet my parents tomorrow. I’ll leave the decision up to you. Just keep in mind there will be brownies available.”

Jen gave him a slight nudge in the side. “Wow, you do have a sugar problem. Have you considered getting help?”

“Hey, I warned you I had a sweet tooth. Don’t act shocked now.”

Tags: Christina Tetreault Billionaire Romance