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Dex had no idea who they were talking about, but before he could ask, Tony called Winters over, and the doctor excused himself.

The lights dimmed before the blue-and-purple club-style lighting turned on as the music kicked into high gear. The tables were moved to one side, exposing the dance floor, and it was open bar. Lou had arranged for cars to pick up their colleagues after the party and take them wherever they needed to go, so Dex had a feeling they were all going to be celebrating late into the night. The parental folk all said their good-nig

hts as it got later in the evening, and everyone kicked up their heels, shots in hand.

Dex had been in the middle of impressing his husband-to-be with his Running Man skills when Seb rushed over. He stopped in front of Dex. “I think you might want to see this.” The look on his face sent a chill through Dex, and he took off after Seb. Now what? If someone else tried to mess with his wedding, he was gonna cut a bitch.

Outside in the foyer, Seb came to a halt. “Everyone be quiet for a second.” The foyer fell silent. “You hear that noise?”

“What?” Sloane asked.


The rumbling, whirring sound got louder. Ash ran to the window and looked around. “Seb’s right. There’s something in the sky…. What the hell is that?”

Letty joined him, her eyes going wide. “That’s a helicopter.”

“Shit, someone order a chopper?”

“Ash, Seb, come with us,” Dex said. “Everyone else stay here. We’ll be right back.”

Dex dashed off with Sloane right beside him. They hurried down the grand staircase that led out to the entrance courtyard, where a black helicopter landed, its bright white and red lights a sharp contrast to the warm atmospheric lighting of the courtyard.

Dex couldn’t believe it. “It can’t be.”

“Tell me I’m not seeing what I think I’m seeing,” Sloane said.

Dex wished he could, but they were all seeing the same thing.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Ash growled, his hands balling into fists at his sides.

The chopper’s propellers slowed as the beast of a bird powered down. The door opened and out hopped Wolf in a pristine, expensive, designer three-piece suit. He removed the pilot’s helmet and tossed it onto the pilot’s seat before buttoning his suit jacket and sauntering over to them. He stopped in front of Dex, flashing a wide grin filled with perfect white teeth that Dex wanted to punch him in.

“Hello, Dexter.”

“You’ve got some fucking nerve showing up here,” Sloane growled, and Dex readied himself in case he had to keep Sloane and Wolf apart. One of these days Sloane was going to decide enough was enough, and Dex was not looking forward to that day. It didn’t help that Wolf gave no fucks what Sloane thought and continued to pop up in places where Dex was, flirting like he always did.

“What are you doing here?” Dex asked.

“I’ve brought you a wedding present.” Wolf leaned in with a wink. “Though it’s not too late to change your mind. You can still ditch that stick-in-the-mud and travel the world with me. Oh, the mischief we could cause together.”

“I’m going to fucking kill you,” Sloane growled, and Wolf held up a hand to stop him.

“Easy there, mate. You have some uninvited guests heading your way.”

Dex groaned. “Are you kidding me? What now?”

“There’s an army heading this way.”

Dex froze. “What?”

“The Makhai,” Wolf said, motioning around them. “It would seem the Chairman is making one last go of it rather than retreating. I imagine he’s grown quite tired of losing. His army will be surrounding the estate at any moment. Which is why I brought you a little present.”

Wolf tipped his head toward the helicopter, and Dex followed him, Sloane not leaving his side. Ash and Seb weren’t far behind, and Dex was grateful for their support. Wolf was still too unpredictable. There was no telling what he had in store for them, or why he was here. Not that Dex didn’t appreciate the warnings. Wolf was far more connected than the rest of them, but that didn’t mean his intel was reliable or that he was even telling the truth.

Wolf motioned to a huge black crate inside the chopper before looking at Ash and Seb. “Hop to it, fellas. You’re going to need all those muscles to get that out of there.”

Ash let out a low growl but joined Seb and Sloane in grabbing the crate and pulling it out.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance