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Zach chuckled. “I’m glad I could help.”

They spent the next couple of hours talking to their colleagues and answering questions about their new promotions and the wedding. Everyone wanted to know when they’d be hearing the pitter-patter of Sloaneses or Dexes. The thought didn’t terrify Sloane like it once had. It was still too soon, but it was no longer out of the question.

While everyone enjoyed the party, Dex and Sloane stood to one side, leaning against the wall and observing their friends and family. Several members of Unit Alpha hovered around Tony, and Sloane caught more than one of his colleagues scanning the room for Tony, as if making sure he was there and safe. Sloane had a feeling Tony had just earned himself a protective detail whether he liked it or not.

“Hello, fellas.” Hudson smiled brightly as he approached, Seb at his side. “A donut cake? You’d think you were at the office.”

Dex let out a snort. “Where else am I going to get my sugar high?” As if realizing what he’d said, Dex blinked up at Sloane and ran his tongue over his bottom lip. “What I meant to say was, where else am I going to get all my healthy snacks? Yum, so many delicious veggie sticks, and… nutritious rice cakey things.”

Sloane shook his head, amused. “I love how you think I don’t know about your afternoon donut run or that every fifth trip to the bathroom is actually a trip to the canteen.”

Dex gasped, a hand flying dramatically to his chest. “Why, I have no idea what you’re speaking about, sir.”

“Right,” Sloane said, “just like Hudson has no idea how all those boxes of cookies got into his locker.”

Seb turned to Hudson and arched an eyebrow at him. “I thought you said you were going to cut down?”

Hudson shoved his hands into his pockets and suddenly found his shoes of great interest. “And I will.”

Seb folded his arms over his chest. “You said that three weeks ago, remember?”

Sloane held back a smile as Hudson lifted his chin high with a sniff.

“I can quit anytime. I simply don’t want to.”

Dex and Sloane laughed. Poor Seb, as if he could ever deny his husband anything. He was worse than Sloane. At least Sloane had managed to get Dex to eat vegetables. Hudson never had that problem, but his cookie addiction was as bad as Dex’s sugar one.

Dr. Winters approached, smiling warmly at them. “I just wanted to thank you both again for inviting me. It means so much. I don’t normally accept invitations for events outside of work, but I feel I had to make an exception for you two.” He extended his hand to Dex, who shook it, smiling wide. Then held his hand out for Sloane. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” Sloane said, shaking the doctor’s hand. “Saturday.”

“I’m so very happy for you both.”

Dex looked at Winters’s empty hands. “You don’t have a drink. Let me get you one.”

“Thank you,” Winters replied, and Dex headed to the bar.

No one liked having to go see Dr. Winters, because usually that meant something was seriously wrong. It wasn’t because he wasn’t a nice enough guy or compassionate or understanding, but he was the guy they saw when they were in pain. Sloane had spent months in Dr. Winters’s office talking to him about Gabe, and it had been agony, having to constantly pick at the scab of his wounds before they were even properly healed. It was the process. Talking to Winters was supposed to help him, but he hadn’t been ready to talk to anyone, much less a THIRDS-appointed doctor. Everyone on his team had spent time with Winters, some more than others, but in the end, the man had helped them in many ways.

After Ash had infiltrated the Coalition and then been shot, he’d seen Winters. Calvin had seen the doctor on several occasions due to his position as sniper on Destructive Delta. Cael had several sessions after being kidnapped by Hogan, after his encounter with Fuller, when Dex had been taken by Pearce, and then Dex’s “ambush.” Dex had been in to see Winters almost as much as Sloane. The list was long.

As if sensing his thoughts, Winters placed a hand on Sloane’s shoulder. “You two have been through so much, you deserve to be happy.”

“Thank you, and thank you for everything you’ve done for me, and for Dex.”

Winters chuckled. “He’s a strong one, that one.”

Hudson nodded his agreement. “Resilient little bugger.”

Sloane stiffened. Those were words he never wanted to hear from Hudson, not after he’d heard them come from Hudson’s brother the day Dex had died.

“HERE YOU go.” Dex returned with a drink for Winters, who thanked him with a wink and laughed softly at something Hudson said.

“That he is, Dr. Colbourn. You know, you remind me of an old colleague I worked with a long time ago.”

“Oh?” Hudson asked.

“Yes. I should probably get in touch with him soon. It’s been far too long.”

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance