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“I can’t believe we’re taking orders from this asshole,” Ash grumbled.

“Said arsehole can hear you, Agent Keeler. I’ve killed men for far less.”

Dex frowned at Wolf. “You killed someone for calling you an asshole?”

“Sounds awful, doesn’t it?” Wolf shook his head in amusement. “Of course not. Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours. Merely entertaining myself with your delightful friends.”

Dex rolled his eyes, and Wolf chuckled.

The guys grunted as they lowered the crate, and as soon as it was on the ground, Sloane punched Wolf across the face.

Holy shit.

Wolf stumbled back, and Sloane glared at him as he shook his hand out. “You’ve had that coming for months,” Sloane snarled.

A low growl escaped Wolf, and he narrowed his eyes as he took a step toward Sloane. Dex quickly moved in front of Sloane, putting himself between the two. With his hands up in front of him, Dex met Wolf’s gaze and quirked a smile.

“You can’t say you didn’t deserve that.”

Wolf arched an eyebrow at Dex before letting out a chuckle. “Fair enough.” His eyes turned hard as he moved them to Sloane. “You get one shot. Try that again, and not even your sweetheart will be able to save you from me.”

Ash and Seb moved behind Sloane, and Dex quickly spoke up. “Okay, everyone. Let’s just chill before the testosterone chokes us all to death.” He motioned to the crate. “You want to tell us what’s in that thing?”

Wolf pressed his hand to the digital display. The locks clicked, and he opened the lid. They all stood around the crate, staring at it.

“Oh my God.” Dex looked up at Wolf. “You brought an entire arsenal.” He gasped and threw up an arm. “I call dibs on the rocket launcher!”

Wolf laughed. “A man after my own heart. That should even the odds a bit, don’t you think?”

“Why are you helping us?” Sloane asked, peering at Wolf.

“For one, I’m not helping you. I’m helping your delectable fiancé. Two, the Makhai tried to kill me, then tried to kidnap my little brother in order to use me to kill for them. Consider me offended.”

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” Dex said.

“Something like that,” Wolf replied, grinning wide. “Though I have tried to convince you to venture beyond acquaintance, but you’re frustratingly loyal.”

“So you’re just giving this to us?” Dex eyed him.

“I will take a thank-you kiss.” Wolf tapped his lips.

Dex narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”

“It was worth a try.” Wolf winked at him, then gave him a one-fingered salute before turning on his heels and heading for the pilot’s seat.

Dex turned to Seb. “I need you to round up anyone who isn’t a civilian.” With Seb running off to do as asked, Dex quickly turned back to Wolf. “Wait, you’re just going to leave?”

Wolf’s smile was sinful. “Why? Do you need me, Dexter?”

“If we don’t stop these guys, they’re going to keep coming after us.”

“Yes, they will, but they won’t catch me.” He made to climb in, but Dex’s words stopped him in his tracks.

“And what about Hudson?”

Wolf slowly turned to meet his gaze. “Careful, Dexter.” His voice was clipped and almost as terrifying as the coldness in his eyes.

“I’m not trying to manipulate you. It’s the truth, and you know it. While the Chairman is out there, knowing who Hudson is to you, he won’t stop.”

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance