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“Good. Did you really think I was going to let you off that easy?”

“Don’t you mean let me get off that easy?” Dex said with a snicker.

“Give. Me. The. Phone.”

“Nope. You want it, you’re going to have to go in there and get it.”

Sloane leaned into him and Dex winced, but he refused to give in. “What is your problem, Daley?”

“I don’t have a problem. I’m a carefree kind of guy. You on the other hand…. You got a lot of pent up sexual frustration, and it’s not really conducive to our partnership. You should think of doing something about it.”

Sloane leaned into him, the bulge in his jeans pressing against Dex’s ass and making him groan. Oh God, the guy was as hard as he was.

“Is this what you want?” Sloane’s voice was low and harsh. He rutted against Dex, one hand on his shoulder holding him, the other still pinning Dex’s arm to his back. Sloane’s weight on top of him was making his arm ache, but he didn’t care. He arched his back, pushing his ass back against Sloane. He was asking for trouble, but they had to do something to move on from this little game they were playing.

“Fuck,” Sloane breathed. He dragged Dex around to the side of the car, pushing him against it. The huge black SUV parked next to him provided enough shadow to conceal them. Before Dex could ask what Sloane was doing, their mouths were crushed together in an ardent kiss.

Sloane kissed him hungrily, and Dex returned the fervor, sucking Sloane’s bottom lip between his teeth before slipping his tongu

e inside. Sloane’s hands were on Dex’s belt, and Dex inhaled sharply at the feel of Sloane’s hand closing around his dick, his thumb brushing across the head to wipe at the precome. Dex didn’t say a word, afraid if he did, Sloane would stop. Instead, he thrust into Sloane’s hand, their breathing coming out ragged as they kissed. Dex fumbled with Sloane’s jeans, unfastening his belt and pushing his pants down enough to pull out Sloane’s thick, hard cock. Sloane pressed against Dex, his large hand palming both of their erections and jerking them off.

“Oh God,” Dex gasped against Sloane’s lips, his fingers digging into the hard muscle of his chest. Sloane moved his lips from Dex’s mouth onto his neck, biting down, then licking the sore spot and kissing his way up his neck. “Sloane,” Dex warned. There was no way he was going to last long, not with the images of his dream lingering and the very real, very excruciating heat building up inside him.

“Come in my hand,” Sloane murmured softly, taking Dex’s earlobe between his teeth and sending a shiver through him. He grabbed Sloane and thrust into his hand, his movements fast and erratic. He could feel his abdomen tightening, the heat spreading through his whole body as his orgasm slammed through him, his body tensing as he came. “Fuck, oh fuck….” he gasped, hearing Sloane’s low groan as he gritted his teeth, his head pressed to Dex’s and his free hand grabbing a fistful of Dex’s hair, gripping it painfully as Sloane’s orgasm hit. Sloane gave them a few more gentle tugs, drawing out their release until Dex sucked in a sharp breath. Sloane released him, tucking Dex back into his boxer briefs. Their heads were still pressed together as their pulses slowed and their breaths steadied.

Dex opened his eyes, meeting Sloane’s, the pain in them not at all what he’d expected. Then again, what just happened was as far away from anything he’d imagined would happen as a result of his attempt to drive Sloane crazy. Sloane used the end of his T-shirt to wipe his hand before giving Dex a hard look.

“There. I did something about it.”

“But—” Dex’s words were cut off when Sloane loomed over him, his tone clipped when he spoke.

“This can’t happen. You understand?” He reached into Dex’s pocket and pulled out his phone, tapping the screen until he appeared to have found his image. He paused for a moment, looking at it. He tapped the screen once more, his finger then hovering over what Dex knew was the tiny trashcan symbol. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, and with a shake of his head, tapped the screen again. Then he shoved the phone at Dex and stormed off.

Dex quickly got his keys out and slipped behind the steering wheel, slamming the door behind him. He swallowed hard, a mixture of feelings running through him, none of which he could decide on. Exhilaration, fear, disbelief, panic, joy… disappointment. He started the engine and looked down at his phone. When he tapped the screen, Sloane’s picture was still there. He hadn’t deleted it. With a frustrated groan, he let his head fall against the steering wheel.

“Dex, what are you doing?”

His job suddenly got a lot more complicated.

Music. He needed music. He tapped his radio and scrolled down his list of albums until he reached the one he was looking for. Ah, a little Eagles was just what he needed. He was about to reverse when a tap to his window scared the hell out of him. Sloane stood on the other side of his door, his expression guarded. Hitting the button for his window, Dex patiently waited for it to lower despite his head advising him to drive off and not look back.

Once the window was down, Dex calmly looked up at Sloane and spoke with a deceptively cool voice. “Yes?”

“Hey,” Sloane cleared his throat, his voice thick and unsteady. “I know you’re running late, but could I uh,” he pointed to the passenger seat, “for a minute?”

Dex nodded and unlocked the car, waiting with his heart in his throat as Sloane slid into the passenger seat beside him. There was an awkward silence as they both sat there looking forward. Why had the guy come back? It didn’t take a genius to figure out Sloane was regretting what happened, but what Dex couldn’t figure out was why he cared enough to come back.

“I’m sorry,” Sloane finally said, his determined gaze meeting Dex’s uncertain one. “I should never have taken things that far. I got carried away, and it was stupid, and I understand if you want to report me.”

“What?” This night was full of surprises.

“I stepped over the line, Dex.”

“Yeah, well, I did a pretty good job of shoving you toward it. This is on both of us, not just you, and quite frankly, fuck you.” Sloane’s adorable pout frustrated Dex.

“For what?”

“For thinking I would go running to Daddy. I don’t need my dad to fix my problems for me, so you can stop with that bullshit right now.” He studied Sloane, for the first time seeing a whole other side to the tough alpha, a vulnerable side Dex hadn’t known existed. There was something going on, something underlying the gruff attitude. It was true, this was on both of them, but there was something eating away at Sloane, something that made him come back when he probably would have gone on as if nothing had happened, expecting Dex to suck it up. Whatever it was, it made Dex feel shitty for having pushed back so hard.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance