Page 54 of Owen

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Adam nodded. “I know. I’m sorry. But I know we’re all safe. Mom and Dad are with the rest of the family in the kitchen and we are all here. Cait called the cops and they are on their way. We need to stay calm for Frankie’s sake since she’s already watching you like a hawk.”

Owen swallowed his response when his eyes met Frankie’s. “Okay. You’re right.”

“We’re could he be staying?” Owen asked no one in particular.

“My guess is that he’s upstairs,” Tara mumbled.

“What? Doesn’t Jenny live there?” Adam asked.

Owen shook his head. “No. She wanted to live somewhere else since she always felt the need to go downstairs even on her days off. She’s renting that place above Chloe’s shop.”

“It would be the first place I would look for him, too,” Caitlin said.

“I’m feeling sick,” Adam said.

Owen ignored his brother.

“He’s a psycho. I think that’s what a psycho would do. He would sit upstairs and watch everyone around this town. Stalk you for days—”

Adam did the first thing this day that didn’t annoy him when he said, “That’s enough, Cait. I think we get the picture.”

“Okay, so Jenny also has a gun, right?” Caitlin said.

Tara straightened in her seat. “No way. We’re not doing this.”

“I was only asking…” Caitlin said as she waved a hand in the air.

“I can’t believe this shit,” Owen said.

“I knew I should have stayed away,” Tara whispered as she cried.

Owen got out of his side of the booth and sat down next to Tara. He tugged her to his side and said, “None of this is your fault, Gorgeous.”

“It is all my fault, Owen. I know it is. If I hadn’t assaulted him, he would have left me alone. And now he’s here and making your lives miserable, too.”

His heart broke into a thousand pieces. Hadn’t Tara suffered enough? When was this hell finally going to be over for her and for them all? Their lives had been ripped apart because of her father.

Frankie had missed out on her father for all these years because some madman had to get his revenge about being manhandled. What wouldn’t even had happened in the first place if he had kept his hands to himself.

He would be damned if he would let anything happen to Frankie or Tara. A rush of anger flooded Owen’s brain and took over his body as he stood from his seat. “I’m going to put a stop to this. Right here, right now.”


Tara watched in horror as Owen walked away towards the stairs to go up to the apartments.

“Stop him!” she whisper-yelled to Adam who already followed Owen to the stairs. She couldn’t exactly yell in the middle of the crowded bistro and her daughter standing at the bar, talking to Jenny who eyed them suspiciously.

Adam didn’t stop Owen though, he went right along with Owen.

Caitlin moved out of the booth, but that was one bridge too far for Tara. “If you even think in going up those stairs, you underestimate me, Cait. I know what Eric is capable of. I’ll scream so everyone’s going to look at you and you will not want that because that would bring unwanted attention to Adam.”

“And to Owen,” Caitlin said with her eyes narrowed.

“Exactly. And we both don’t want that to happen.”

Caitlin showed Tara what she was carrying underneath her jacket and Tara almost fainted. “You’re carrying a gun around? What in the world?”

“I’m not walking around with a gun everyday, Tara. But after Owen’s call, I figured we needed protection.”

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