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Ella Danes.I don’t know who she is, but everything inside me says she’s different. Her passionate eyes, the soft but pointed edges of her personality I’ve witnessed so far, and the underlying feeling that there are parts of her begging to be discovered by the right person.

After the interaction with her ex, I know she’s been hurt, but her insistence on staying away from me further intrigues me. Though, I’m not supposed to be in Saint Lucia looking for a fling. I’m here to work and, with any luck, to find some time to unplug from the chaos that makes up my world.

Except, even as I’m sitting on my balcony, I can’t get Ella out of my mind. I also can’t stop myself from searching for her below, even when it makes my stomach churn to look down.

Being on the twentieth floor, I barely see her, but that’s enough to keep me distracted. She’s removed the sheer dress and is currently laying on one of the loungers, holding something in her hands. Maybe she’s reading again, maybe she’s browsing apps, or maybe she’s on the phone.

The fact that I spend a full five fucking minutes trying to figure which it could be is enough to drive me mad.

I return to the inside of my room and grab the list Robert gave me. I didn’t actually intend to call him about any of the activities, but I need a distraction that doesn’t make me feel like a damn stalker.

There’s windsurfing, jet skis, whale watching, hiking, golfing, and plenty of other things, but most of them I don’t have time for today. There’s less than two hours before the evening event starts, so I choose to go jogging on the trails.

I change out of my business clothes and into workout shorts with tennis shoes. I drop my phone into the right pocket of the shorts and slip my room key into the other one before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and heading out of my room. When I get to the elevator, Jack is there. He’s in a full suit with a bright red tie standing out over his chest and protruding stomach.

I force a smile to my face. “Hello, Jack.”

Russet eyes that match his dyed, slicked-back hair appraise my unclothed chest with disdain. “Are you headed out like that?”

“Just going for a quick run before the mixer tonight. I promise to be fully dressed when I arrive.” With practiced effort, I manage to keep the irritation out of my tone when I answer.

“Of course you will be. I’d expect nothing less from you. You’re one of my best employees. About tonight, though. I need you to go with Natalie. She’s been a bit of a problem lately and I need some help keeping her happy, if you know what I mean.”

Yeah, not fucking happening. Not because I don’t like Natalie. I consider her a friend, and I don’t have too many of those within Harrington Enterprises, but the last time I let Jack pick my date, it came with strings attached that I wasn’t fond of.

Though, I can’t deny my curiosity that Natalie could possibly be considered a problem. She doesn’t usually speak unless spoken to and always gets her work done. I did hear she was recently promoted to Head of Accounting, which was an announcement that came out of nowhere. I now assume it has something to do with Jack thinking Natalie is a problem to be dealt with.

I want to help her, given how vicious I know Jack can be, but I also don’t want to be directly involved. Maybe I can chat with her tonight without Jack knowing.

“I already have a date for the evening. Maybe I can take Natalie out another night this week,” I say, silently hoping that will be enough to placate my boss.

Jack grins. “Already picking up the ladies? Of course, you are. Not a problem. I’ll make sure someone else takes care of Natalie for the night. If we’re lucky, maybe they’ll solve all my problems tonight.”

I don’t know how to respond without showing my disgust for the man next to me. I manage to keep my words short and simple. “Thanks for understanding, Jack.”

We part ways, and I’m tempted to reach out to Natalie right then, but this seems like a conversation better had in person.

I also need to find a date for tonight, and I know just the person to ask. Ella Danes now owes me a favor, and I have no shame in asking for payment.

* * *

Almost an hour later,I’m covered in sweat and breathing hard. After running more than I intended to, thanks to a wrong turn on the trails, I make my way to the pool, hoping Ella is still there.

I should have gone to her first, but I thought I’d be back sooner and wanted to spend my run concocting a plan that Ella couldn’t say no to. It’s probably a terrible idea to mix business with pleasure, but I can’t stop myself from attempting to make this come to fruition.

She hasn’t been far from my mind since getting off the airplane. If she outright turns me down, I’ll figure something else out. I saw the hurt in her eyes when she’d been forced to speak with Blake. I don’t want to be another asshole she has to deal with or the one who taints her vacation.

If anything, I want to be the one who makes this a trip she can never forget, because something tells me that this particular woman deserves more than a little happiness in her life.

Luck happens to be on my side today. Ella is still camped out next to the pool. Her hair is now wet and fanned out behind her, and she’s laying comfortably on one of the loungers.

My eyes zero in on her pebbled nipples, and my dick wakes at the sight of her.

Stand down, boy. We can’t come on too strong with this one.

He doesn’t listen, and I’m forced to adjust myself before I get to her chair. I can’t let her notice my physical interest before I’ve had the chance to say what I need to.

Tags: Harper Reed Romance