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I realize that, but he was a friend.

She didn’t say anything else afterward as I made my way to my bedroom. Closing the door and locking it, I dropped the blanket and went to my closet. I grabbed a pair of pants and a loose T-shirt and put them on as I sighed.

Glancing around the room, I couldn’t help but feel like something terrible was heading our way. My eyes landed on a photo of me, Sawyer, and Nolen. We were happy then, not a care in the world, and if anyone stared too hard at the picture, they would be able to see the slight blush on my cheeks with Nolen’s arm around me.

Turning from the photo, I unlocked and exited my room. Going down the hall, I heard bits and pieces of voices on the lower landing. It sounded like my brother and Beta Adam.

“I still don’t believe he is dead. He’s too smart for that, and he is one of the strongest alphas I’ve become friends with.”

“I understand that Sawyer, but anything could have happened, and Delta Eric warned him about the alpha challenge.” Someone shuffled their feet, but I couldn’t spot them from my position, so I decided to carefully make my way down the stairs.

“Nolen would do it again to try to protect that ungrateful pack. He would lay down his own life to protect any one of us. So, I will not believe he is dead until I see a body.”

Concentrating on the conversation, I forgot about the creaky fourth step, cringing at the sound and then the glances from Sawyer and Beta Adam. I grinned at them, trying to make it not seem so awkward. “Hey, so no one has heard from Nolen yet?”

Sawyer and Beta Adam shared a glance before Beta Adam turned and left Sawyer and me in the hall. Turning to him, I placed my hands on my hips while I cocked an eyebrow at him. Sawyer took a deep breath before turning, motioning for me to follow him.

We continued down the long hall of the packhouse until we reached his office. Sawyer opened the door and stepped aside, letting me through first. I sat down on the couch, and Sawyer took a seat on the table in front of me.

“We’re still trying to find Nolen. I have a few scouts roaming the areas trying to find him. I haven’t given up yet, and I won’t give up till I see his body.” Sawyer reached for my hands as I sat on the couch, trying to figure out what to say. I mean, it had been weeks since he’d been last seen or heard from.

Glancing into Sawyer’s eyes, I knew without a doubt that he would keep looking for him. “Let me go out and look too. I want to help.”

Sawyer shook his head and sat back. “No, I need you here where you are safe. Because there is no telling when Alpha Wade will start his attack. I’m surprised he hasn’t already, but this gives Beta Adam and Delta Eric time to get more training in.”

“Do you think the Rhyolite wolves will stand with him? We are allies, after all.” Sawyer stood up and started to pace before he glanced back at me.

“Nolen isn’t the Alpha now. So I’m sure they would have to stand and fight against us. I believe he will make them the first line to attack.”

“That’s barbaric. Making a pack attack their ally.”

“Unfortunately, that’s how some alphas are, Amora. There are not many like Nolen.”

My stomach growled, reminding me that it was still inside me and hungry. Sawyer chuckled as he went to the door; I followed him, knowing we were going to the kitchens. We start to dig through the cabinets and fridge to find something to eat. I burst out laughing as one of my memories replayed in my head. “This feels like something we would do as kids.”

“Yeah! I remember when you couldn’t even reach things and I had to grab them for you.” Sawyer moved around the kitchen island laughing, “You were so little, and now you will find your mate one day.”

“I do hope I find my mate, and I hope that he is as amazing as you said he will be.” I sat there at the island, dipping Oreos in milk and snacking on chips. Sawyer scooped into the cookie dough ice cream container, sitting opposite me.

I thought his face drooped for a second before he grinned back at me. “He will, I know for a fact. Because no deadbeat would be my sister’s mate.”

Dolostone wolves are headed our way! The urgent mind link came through to both Sawyer and me. We left our snacks on the island, sprinting to the front doors of the house. Beta Adam and Delta Eric were standing on the steps beside Danika, the beta and delta in wolf form, as Sawyer and I approached.

Warriors to your stations! The enemy is on their way!

“Amora, go to your room!” Sawyer turned on me, his expression serious as he stared at me, willing me to do as he said.

“I will not leave my pack to sit safely in my room! I can handle myself just like anyone else!” I glared at him until he turned away from me. No one was less than me to put their life before mine if I couldn’t do the same.

The gamma ran up to Sawyer, shifting from his brown wolf to his human form. “There are Dolostone wolves headed our way. There’s a large number of them.”

“How long do we have?”

“I’d say two days max.”

“Have you found anything about the other I’ve asked you to look for?”

“I’ve picked up a trail, but it was mixed with others.”

Tags: C.L. Ledford Paranormal