Page 85 of The Politician

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His grunts took over his words, and he thought that was best. He knew his throat had held the words he wanted to say back for a reason. Banging into the man, he went harder, wanting to convey how much he loved him without speaking. How fucking violently and totally he loved Eli, and always would, no matter what happened to the whole fucking world…

It was over the next day. They flew back together, in each other’s arms, they held one another again as the plane landed and they were about to deboard. Everything was there, in those embraces, and they didn’t speak a word of goodbye.

A car came for Eli, and he watched it leaving as his heart broke into pieces. Mars was in the back of the car that came for him, and he didn’t look his butler in the face. Mars would know, he’d know everything.

“Sir, are you alright?”

“No, Mars. I won’t be for a very long time, so please, maybe don’t ask me that again for ten or twenty years.”

“Of course, sir. Um, Lee?”

That may have been the first time he’d ever heard Mars call him Lee. He turned to him, frankly shocked. “Mars?”

“Sir, I am sorry it didn’t work out for you and Eli.”

“It did, Mars. That’s the problem. It most certainly worked out.”

When he’d settled in at home, closing his eyes each time he’d walked by the suite doors where Eli had lived, he waited until late into the night to get the burner phone from the drawer and made the call.

“This is Callahan.”

“Ryan, it’s Lee Madison.”

“Senator! What can I help you with? You want to reserve some time?”

“No, actually, I need to speak with you. I have some issues and I could really use your help.”

“Sure thing. You know we’re here for our clients, Lee.”

“Good. Thank you. Can you meet me in El Paso in three days? I’ll call with the time and place.”

“I’ll be there.”

He set the phone in the very back of his underwear drawer and then got on his other phone to arrange some meetings. As he was on the phone, he sat at his desk and held the bug the feds wanted him to wear.

A dozen members of his party were set to meet him the following day, so he made the most important, and yet hardest, call the next morning.

“Lee? What is it?”

“Dad, I’ve set up a meeting with some of our fellow members of Congress. There are some deals I want to make, and I need your nod if they call you about it.”

“Of course, Lee, but can you tell me what you’re up to?”

“Not yet, Dad. Just know, it’s going to be big for me.”

“Bravo, boy. I’ll make the calls now.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

He’d never implicate his father in the investigation, though he rightly deserved it. The old school members that still pulled the strings, all of them should see prison.

That’s not what they were going for, however. Mostly, they needed replaced.

Once that was finished, he called certain members of the opposing party and asked them for a meeting as well. They were the new blood, uncorrupted, and he added to them the few members of his party that were new and idealist too.

When he met with Ryan in El Paso, Ryan listened to him and smiled. “I knew that kid would get to you. Just like Brett changed my evil ways.”

“He did. But so did the feds. They’re after a lot of us, and I’m going to help them. It’s going to change the face of things, but it’s going to take a long time. I need some help. I know your investigators are the best in the business. All I want is for them to help me find whatever I can to blackmail some of the old boys’ club off Capitol Hill.”

Tags: Rain Carrington Romance