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The exasperation on Patroclus’s face is really, really attractive. He glances at me and shrugs. “Sorry, Helen. He’s being ridiculous.”

It isn’t even a question of playing along with Achilles. I simply do it. I give Patroclus a sexy pout. “He’s right. My feelings are very, very hurt.”

“See.” Achilles nods sagely but his dark eyes are sparking with mirth. He’s absolutely irresistible right now, and he knows it. “Do you want to guess what would make our princess feel better?”

“I’m sure you’re about to tell me.”


“Yes.” I nod quickly. I’m not touching the our princess with a ten-foot pole. “Lots and lots of orgasms.”

Patroclus gives another of those sexy exasperated sighs. “Gods save me, now there’s two of you.”

“You’re acting like it’s a bad thing.” I’m still pouting and feeling a little ridiculous about how fun this is. The only people I play around with are Hermes, Dionysus, and Eros, and it’s not sexual in the least with any of them. I didn’t realize anything related to sex could be this fun. I nudge Patroclus’s bare calf with my foot. “Double your pleasure, double your fun.”

Achilles barks out a laugh. “Listen to her. She knows what she’s about.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” A knock on the door has Patroclus rising. He points at us. “Behave while we get to the bottom of the very serious attack on Helen last night.” He pauses. “If you manage that, we’ll spend the rest of the day naked in bed.”

“Deal,” we say at the same time.

I can’t help the lightness in my chest as I sit back and drink my coffee. Gods help me, but I’m enjoying my time with these two far more than I could have ever expected.



Things go south the moment Bellerophon enters the room. They take up an at-ease stance, their dark gaze pinned just above the top of my head. That’s not good. I’ve known Bellerophon for years, and the only time they get overly formal is when conveying bad news. They only confirm my suspicions when they say, “The attacker is no longer with us.”

Beside me, Helen startles. “They’re dead?”

“No.” Bellerophon shakes their head. “They were picked up this morning and removed from our facility. It went up the chain of command, and there was nothing I could do about it. Unfortunately, my team wasn’t able to get answers before that time. I’m sorry.”

Patroclus leans forward and braces his arms on the table. I can already see his big brain kicking into gear. “Picked up by who?”

Their gaze flicks to Helen, and Bellerophon hesitates for so long, even I already guess the answer before they speak and confirm it. “By Zeus himself. You have to understand, there’s nothing I could do about it. Not even Athena could step in at that point.”

“Well, that’s…something.” Helen goes a bit green. “They were being held…”

“Here.” Bellerophon resumes staring over my head. “There are several cells on the property in the event that we need to intervene with a confrontation between champions. We decided it would be prudent to keep the attacker there until Athena was able to retrieve them. Zeus came instead.”

It’s a token of our history that they give the information so freely. I doubt they’d do the same if anyone else was asking the questions. “That makes logistical sense to keep them here. Why are you asking, Helen?”

“No reason.” She’s got that look on her face, the one that says she’s seeing things outside this room and thinking dark thoughts. For once, I don’t need Patroclus to step in and make his strategic jumps to understand why she’s upset. If the attacker was being held here, then that means her brother was on the property this morning and didn’t bother to come check on her before he whisked the attacker away…ensuring no one would get any answers.

Sometimes, when I hang out with Patroclus’s moms, I get a sick feeling in my stomach wondering about what my life would have been like if I had two loving parents instead of being dropped on the temple steps to be donated like a toy that no longer served its purpose. Polymele and Sthenele treated me as an honorary son from the moment they met me as an angry little fuck at eighteen.

If Patroclus had been the one attacked, his moms would have all but beaten down the door, would have challenged both Athena and Zeus to ensure he was okay. They wouldn’t care who they pissed off or what the long-term consequences were, not until they reassured themselves with their own eyes that their son was healthy and whole.

Zeus would have gotten a report about Helen’s health; Bellerophon is a rule follower and would have written it up as soon as the attacker was secured. Even knowing she wasn’t physically harmed… What kind of brother doesn’t even bother to stop by and see her? Especially since he’s able to come and go from this place without consequences.

Tags: Katee Robert Dark Olympus Fantasy