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Reed’s quiet. He doesn’t say anything about my fears, but his lips touch my hair again, and it brings me comfort.

“We’re friends, babe. We always have been and Emery knows that. She’s not going to suspect anything.”

My nerves don’t fade. I just hope that as well as Em knows me, she doesn’t see right through me.

“I have to work late tonight,” Emery says. “It’s so lame, but we have this huge case that my boss is working on and we’re all having to put in extra hours. I’m going to drive up later, so you’ll have to ride up with Reed and Evan, but I won’t be far behind you. You know my mom, she has to wake up at the crack of dawn and get there to make sure everything is ready.”

My heart flips at the mention of Reed, but I laugh lightly. “Your mom is the most organized person I’ve ever met. I wish she would’ve rubbed off on either of us. I can ride with Reed and Evan, no problem. I was thinking I could maybe bring Dad, but I just don’t know that he’ll handle the change well. Mona said she was happy to stay with him.”

I hate leaving him at home, but I know the importance of keeping him on schedule and in a place that is familiar for him. It’s the one thing his doctor has been adamant about since he was diagnosed. I’m thankful that we have Mona, and she offered to stay with him extra this week in order for me to go with Em and her family.

“You need this, Holland. A few days away from responsibilities, studying, and work. It’s going to be great,” Emery says cheerily. “This is just what you need to relax and unwind.”

My mind immediately drifts back to only a few days ago, when Reed was coaxing me into agreeing to this impromptu getaway with his mouth.

As happy as I am with Reed… Lately, my guilt seems to weigh heavier and heavier on both my heart and my mind.

This thing with Reed started as something uncomplicated, and now it feels like so much more. I should’ve known that I couldn’t push my feelings aside and only have a physical relationship with him. Feelings complicate everything. Our situation is already complicated enough.

"Yeah, it’s gonna be great. I can’t wait to spend time with you. I’m gonna go start packing, and I’ll see you later, okay? Drive safe.”

“You too, babe. Love you, bye!”

We end the call, and I sit down next to my empty suitcase and stare at it.

You can do this, Holland.Three days cooped up with the guy you’re secretly in love with, and your best friend who will probably murder you both if she finds out.

What better place than a secluded cabin in the middle of the woods, where no one will find our bodies?

I groan and flop back onto the bed.

It’sonlythree days. I repeat the mantra for the rest of the afternoon as I pack, and before I know it, Reed’s walking through my bedroom door, surprising me.

"All packed?” He trimmed his beard, and combed his wild curls back, making him look even more handsome. A red and black checkered print jacket is stretched over his broad shoulders paired with old, faded jeans and boots. “Evan’s in the truck. We’re ready when you are, babe.” He drops a lingering kiss to my lips, and pulls back, holding my gaze.

Even though he’s dressed for a camping trip, his attire isn’t what stands out to me, it’s the happiness in his eyes.

He’s excited, and it shows in the smirk on his lips and the excitement behind his gaze. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to get away and be with both Reed and Emery. But then… those two relationships can’t go together, and it causes my stomach to lurch.

“You okay?” Reed asks, watching me put the last few things into my backpack.

I nod. “Just a little nervous about being in a cabin with Em… and I don’t know. I’ll be fine. I’m probably just overthinking it. I just hate lying to her, Reed.”

His eyes soften. “I know. I was hoping we could talk when we get there tonight?”


He gives me another quick kiss before letting go to grab my suitcase off the bed. Dramatically, it falls to the floor heavily.

“Not this again.” His eyes shine mischievously. “Better have that red lace in there that I love so much.”

I roll my eyes. “Let’s go,Casanova.”

We get my suitcase loaded into the truck, and I slide into the passenger seat.

“Howwand!” Evan cries from the back seat. He’s got Pickles tucked in close to his side, and his tablet in his lap. Reed was so torn on whether or not Evan should have a tablet at his age. He scoured the internet for hours, then ultimately decided to limit Evan’s screen time and make sure the games he plays and the things he watches are educational.

It was the most “dad” thing ever, and it made my heart race a little faster. Seeing Reed change into this man I’ve never known has been so incredible. Watching him fall in love with Evan, and find himself as a parent is something you don’t get to see every day. It makes me even more proud of him, and everything that the two of them have overcome together in the past months.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance