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“Are you ready for a campfire and s’mores buddy?” I ask.

He shakes his head excitedly, his eyes lighting up the second I mention s’mores.

I continue, “It’s my favorite thing about camping. S’mores!”

Reed opens the door and gets into the driver’s seat.

“Are we ready?”

I nod, and Evan cheers.

It’s go-time.

The ride to the cabin is surprisingly quiet, aside from Evan’s babbling to Pickles. We ride in comfortable silence with Reed’s hand resting on my thigh, and the other on the wheel. I focus on his touch, trying to soothe the nervous jitters in my stomach. Staring out the window, I watch the city fade behind us as we drive farther into the country, leaving the city limits behind.

We pull down a long, dirt road that’s only gravel for what seems like forever before a small, adorably quaint cabin comes into view. It’s the kind that you’d see in a Hallmark movie. Log on the outside, with a red front door and smoke billowing from the chimney. There’s a stack of firewood piled against the side of the house, and a fire pit with large wooden chairs surrounding it that looks cozy, even without the fire going. I can see myself drinking a morning cup of coffee here.

It’s perfect, so much so that I feel slightly less nervous. At least for now.

Reed parks in the driveway in front of the cabin, next to his mom’s SUV, then comes around to open my door and get Evan out of his car seat.

The second my foot hits the soil and I inhale the fresh air, I smile. “Reed, this place is incredible.”

“I’m glad you like it, babe. I figured everyone could use some time away, to refresh. The season’s rough, and I wanted to take Evan and show him the outdoors.” He smirks and looks at Evan who grins back cheekily.

“Holland Parker, is that you?” A soft, singsong voice comes from the porch. I turn around and see Reed and Emery’s mom, Kathy, smiling warmly at me.

“You know it is. It’s only been what, three weeks since I’ve seen you?” I smile and walk over into her open arms. She hugs me close to her body for a few moments before letting go.

Reed and Evan are on my heels, and she gives out extra hugs when it comes to Evan. He’s obviously already got her wrapped around his little finger. Not that I can blame her… he’s charming. Just like Reed.

“Now, Reed, grab those bags while we go inside and get warm.” She visibly shivers and pulls her coat closed tighter. “These two are gonna freeze in this cold.”

“Yes, Ma.”

She grabs my hand after she scoops Evan up and drags me behind her into the cabin. I can’t help but laugh. This is who Reed and Emery get their take-charge attitude from. One hundred percent their mom.

“Have you talked to Emery?” Kathy asks. “She said something about maybe having to work late.”

“Yeah, she said she had to work late at the firm, but she’d be driving up afterward. That’s why I rode with Reed and Evan. I don’t feel comfortable driving when it snows heavily, so Reed offered to drive me.”

She smiles. “That girl. Always working, but I guess I can admire her work ethic. You know she and Reed both have always been so driven by their goals. Reed would play outside with that hockey puck until it was so dark, they couldn’t see it. You remember how he and his friends would put those cheap flashlights on the ice, just to get a few more minutes out there?”

I nod.

Boy, do I remember those days. Em and I were allowed to watch, since the pond was right behind their house, and we’d stand outside with our noses red and our lips chattering, just to watch them skate in the dark. The only light was from those damn flashlights that they’d beg us to hold. Even with gloves, my hands would be so cold, they’d go completely numb after only a few minutes, but I’d do it anyway since Reed was the one asking.

“I still get chills thinking about how cold I was then,” I tell her.

It was the first time I realized that my crush had developed into something more, those nights with Reed on the ice. The sheer determination behind his shots. Despite the cold, the snow, his exhaustion, he pushed himself to the limits. He did whatever it took to reach the goal he set for himself.

The door opens, and Reed walks in carrying our bags, a bout of cold air coming with him. He disappears into the living room and comes back empty-handed.

“Evan, wanna go look for bears?” he asks. He’s joking, but the look on Evan’s face is priceless.

Evan’s eyes widen, and he looks at me. I shrug. “That’s up to you, Bud. I’m staying inside where it’s warm and bear-free.”

“I’m just kidding, but I did bring my stick from when I was younger. I’m gonna take Evan out to the pond. We’ll be back before dark.” He walks over to his mom and drops a sweet kiss on her cheek and tosses me a smile. Then he and Evan are walking outside, leaving Kathy and me alone in the kitchen.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance