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“Reed,”I cry, his long, thick fingers muffling my moans. They’re in my mouth after he demanded I suck.

He peeks up at me from between my legs, his unruly dark curls a mess from my constant tugging and pulling while he devours me like a starving man. His eyes are glazed over with lust as they connect with mine, and a sly smirk slowly forms on his lips.

He’s so handsome I can’t even stand it. Especially not in moments like this when he has his mouth on my clit, bringing me more pleasure than I’ve ever experienced.

I whimper when his tongue lashes at me, strumming along my clit. The pleasure is too much. Just when I feel like I’ll burst open and see stars, he stops his assault.

“I have to talk to you about something.”

His words vibrate against my center, and I groan in frustration. This is the worst form of torture.

I lace my fingers in his hair and pull him back toward where I want his mouth, and he grins. “I rented a cabin for next week. I have seven days off and we're going to Kettle Moraine, and I want you to come.”

“Are we really having this conversation…. right now?” I screech. I’m laid out naked in front of him, with his head between my legs, and he wants to discuss next week's plans?

“We can discuss it in length, or you could just say yes.” His warm breath fans along my inner thigh, causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin. I’m wound so tightly; I feel like I might pop at any moment. “And we could end it right here, I could give you exactly what you want…” He trails off then flicks his tongue against my clit once, then twice.

“Reed Davidson,” I sit up on my elbows to stare down at him, “are you coercing me… by orgasm?”

“I’m offended, Holland, as if I ever would.”

Yet the sheepish grin on his face says otherwise. His finger dips inside me, curling up and stroking until my back arches off the bed, my hands fist in the sheets, and his name tumbles from my lips.

So close, I can feel it.

Then he stops. Again.

“Reed!” I screech. “Stop it.”

He laughs. “Say yes.”


One finger becomes two and his lips close over my clit. He sucks and moves his fingers inside of me slowly, languidly, until I’m close again.

I arch closer to his mouth, desperate to finally fall over the edge he’s teased me with, then he tears his mouth away and looks back up at me.

“Fine! God, fine.”


“Yes, now will you please…” I trail off. A few seconds later, he’s rising up and covering me with his hard, toned body and sliding inside of me in one smooth motion, filling me. It doesn’t take long before we’re both hot and sticky with sweat, Reed’s fingers rubbing against my clit as we both come.

His muscular arms pull me onto his chest as he falls back against the bed. My ear’s pressed against it, listening to his heart racing, and my eyes grow heavy.

“Are you really going to come?” he asks. I feel his lips against the top of my head.

I nod. “Not because you blackmailed me with an orgasm but because Emery already asked me and threatened bodily harm.”

Reed scoffs. “So all of that and you already were going to come?”

“Yep. But you were so committed, I didn’t want to stop you.”

He laughs. “Such a sacrifice.”

I lean back so I can look at him. “You know… I told her no. Several times, actually. I just- I’m worried that she’ll know something is going on. She knows me better than anyone. I’m nervous.”

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance