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I wasn’t lying. Emery has the kind of beauty that when she enters the room, everyone looks. Every head turns. And she never notices. She never sees the attention that she draws, and that’s what makes her so beautiful, inside and out.

“I’m nervous, Holl. This is the first time I’ve ever liked someone this way. You know, something that’s not just shallow and “fun.” He likes me for who I am, and doesn’t expect me to be any different.”

“Follow your heart, it won’t lead you astray. My dad used to tell me that when we were growing up. I never realized, until I got older, how true that advice is.”

I sit down on the edge of the bed and draw my legs up to my chest. Emery walks over and sits down next to me.

“It’s scary. Putting yourself out there. All of your flaws, and your quirks, and your cellulite. This is why I don’t date.” She sighs and falls back on the bed. “After cheating asshole, I’m condemning everyone to the same fate.”

I laugh. “You’re getting too far ahead of yourself, sister. It is scary to give someone else that power over you, but give him a chance to prove whether he’s worthy or not before you start planning the breakup. Not everyone is a cheater, there are plenty of faithful guys out there.”

“You’re right. This calls for margaritas. Or we could skip the margarita part and head straight for tequila.”

“I can’t. I have to study for my last midterm. Can you believe that in five months, I’ll be graduating and finally have my degree?”

She sits up on her elbows and looks at me. “Yes, I can. Duh. You’ve worked hard for this, Holland, you deserve it.”

“We are sappy.” Laughing, I nudge her with my foot. “This is the dress. Now, I have to get back to studying, but I love you and I’ll call you tomorrow?”

“Fine, fine, I’m gone. Call me when you’re done and we can go to Starbs and discuss the latest onThe Vampire Diaries.”


After Em leaves, I lie back on my bed with my books and attempt to get work done on my thesis. Except the entire time I’m trying to focus, my eyes keep drifting back to the white box on my dresser.

I bite my lip, trying to focus on the words on my paper, but they’re running together. Instead, I’m thinking of the jersey Reed sent and wondering if he actually expects me to send him a picture of me in it.

Probably not.

But… Can you imagine his face if I do?

That’s when I decide to do it. To go for it. To do the one thing Reed Davidson least expects me to do.

Pushing my books to the side, I climb off the bed and retrieve the jersey from the box, quickly changing into it. I walk over to the mirror and study my reflection. The blue and white jersey is a size too big, falling over my butt, except for the very bottom where a hint of cheek peeks out, just as if I was wearing a pair of boy shorts.

Satisfied, I walk over to the bed and pick up my phone, snapping a couple of selfies with a pouty lip and then a smile before taking one of the back of the jersey in the mirror with his name and a tease.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I send them. Then try to forget what I just did. I go back to studying while I wait for his reply, and a few minutes later, my phone vibrates.

Reed: Are you trying to kill me? Babe, holy shit… I’m at practice with the guys and this is not the time for a boner.

I grin.

Me: Sorry… not sorry. Didn’t think I’d do it, did ya?

Reed: Good thing practice is almost over. Can I swing by? I’ll bring dinner.

Me: I have to study. Like actually study, Reed. Not your version where you end up doing something that distracts me and I never finish.

Reed: I’ll keep my hands to myself. I promise.

I roll my eyes at his message. We both know that will never happen, but I agree anyway because I miss him.

Me: I have my doubts. See you soon.

Instead of changing back into my old t-shirt and sweats, I leave on his jersey, even though I know it’ll be impossible for him to behave and keep his hands to himself. I keep working on my thesis until I hear a soft knock on the door. Grabbing a pair of shorts from my dresser, I quickly slide them on then open the door.

Reed’s standing on the doorstep with a bag of food from my favorite restaurant, and my heart dips. Our rules don’t specify doing nice things for the other, but they do say no falling in love, and I am hopelessly failing. Every single day my feelings for Reed grow stronger and stronger, breaking each and every one of the rules we set. I’ll never tell him, not just because I know he won’t feel the same, but because I promised not to be a complication in his life, and love complicates things.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance