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Days turn into weeks,fall fades into winter, and during that time, things between Reed and me shift. I didn’t say it out loud, but after the ranch, he was different. Not only have things changed between us, but the Avalanche are having their best season ever. They’re quickly becoming the highest-ranking team in the NHL, on their way to the Stanley Cup finals, for the second time in two years. Every hockey player’s dream.


It’s been one of the best moments of my life to be front and center, watching it happen. TofeelReed’s excitement as he wins game after game. His performance is better than ever, and if you ask him? He says that Evan and me are his good luck charms. I know that’s just him being Reed, charming as ever, and that it’s actually because he’s training harder, working smarter, and spending less time partying and more time working on himself.

“Does this dress make me look fat?” Emery asks, modeling her brand-new skintight black mini dress in the mirror of my room. She’s been trying on outfits for the past hour for her company Christmas party that is happening soon at the law firm. She’s still going strong with Landon and has been gushing all day about how she wants to impress all of his friends.

“Uh no, but if you bend over, everyone’s going to see your Virginia.”

She giggles and twirls around in front of the mirror. “So, it’s a yes then?”

I raise my eyebrows, and just as I’m about to tell herabsolutely not, the doorbell rings.

“Okay, don’t make any rash decisions. I’ll be right back.”

Laughing, I walk out of the bedroom and through the foyer to the front door and open it.

A tall guy, holding a box, is standing on the doorstep, and I’m immediately confused.

“Hi, Ms. Parker?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

He hands me a clipboard with a pen while juggling the box. “I have a delivery for you. Can you sign here, stating you received it?”

I quickly scrawl a messy signature and hand it back to him. He hands me the box, and then says a quick goodbye while I shut the door.

A delivery? From who? I’m not expecting anything.

Carrying the box back into my room, I set it on my dresser and untie the large, red ribbon. I pull the lid off and carefully pull back the white tissue paper. Under the paper is a jersey with the nameDAVIDSONon the back, and a note.

I pick the paper up and read the messy scrawl in black ink.


Just a little something to show you I was thinking of you. Miss you. Do me a favor and send me a picture of you wearing nothing but this.

;) Reed

“What’s that?” Emery’s voice comes from right behind me, startling me so badly that the note falls from my hand and goes behind the dresser.

I slam the lid of the box shut then turn around and squeak, “No one. Nothing.” I laugh nervously, then realize how suspect that probably looks. I am so not good at this lying to my best friend thing.

“Okaaaay,” she says, shaking her head. She turns back toward the mirror. “What about this one?”

The black mini is gone, replaced by a burgundy velvet wrap dress.

My entire body visibly relaxes when I see that she’s moved on, and isn’t going to force me to show her. What was Reed thinking?

This could’ve gone so badly.

“Yes, definitely. This is the one. It looks like it was made just for you, Em.”

Her face lights up. “Really?” She spins back toward the mirror and runs her hands down the front of the dress.

“Really. Actually, I’m jealous. You’re going to have a blast, and you’ll be the most beautiful girl in the entire room.”

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance