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Holland’s fully crying now. A sob escapes her lips and I swallow it in a deep kiss that I feel down to my soul.

“That would be the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for our family, Reed,” she whispers.

"Let’s tour the rest of the place and meet some of the staff, and if you want him to come here, I’ll pay for the year up front.”

Holland cries quietly the rest of the tour, but gazes at all of the amenities in awe. After Bert has taken us around the entire ranch, I have no doubt in my mind. This place is incredible.

“Here’s a brochure for the ranch and my number is on the back. Feel free to call me at any time to discuss. We also have a program that allows for live-in care here at the ranch. I know that’s a big step and one that you might not be interested in, but the option is here.”

“Thanks for meeting us, Bert. I appreciate the tour.” I shake his hand again, and then walk Holland back to the truck. Once we’re inside, I face her. “What do you think, babe?”

“I think that he would love it here. You remember how much he loved to do the flower beds?”

I nod. “He was out there, rain or shine, when he wasn’t at the mill. Mowed the lawn every other day.”

“Thank you, Reed. This means more to me than you’ll ever know. I can’t explain how… grateful I am.”

I pick her hand up and kiss her knuckles. “I just want you to be happy, and I want your dad to be safe and happy in a place that he loves.”

“I want to think about it, and talk to his nurses and doctors before we make a decision, maybe after the new year?”

“Whenever you’re ready. I’ll support anything you decide.”

I say it knowing I’d do anything to keep the smile from this afternoon on her face.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance