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I take a quick shower and change into a pair of old sweats, turning on ESPN before climbing into bed. A few minutes pass and then there’s a soft knock on the adjoining door to Holland’s room.

“Come in.”

Holland opens the door and peeks her head around the corner. “Do you have a second?”

“Yeah, of course, are you okay?”

She’s still behind the door with only her head peeking out.

“Uh, well, this is so embarrassing, but I was trying to take off my necklace and it’s really tangled in my hair from the wind today. Could you help me? I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah, it was really windy today. Let me see.”

I get up from the bed and walk over to where she’s hiding behind the door. Her eyes drift to my chest and lower to the grey sweats I’m wearing then she quickly drags them back up.

“Gotta open the door if you want me to help.” I smirk.

She chews on the inside of her cheek nervously, but steps out from behind the door with only a towel wrapped tightly around her.

Fuck, I wasn’t expecting that.

“I’m sorry, I was about to step into the shower, and I didn’t want to try and put my shirt back on and chance getting tangled in it. This is super awkward. I can probably just figure this out myself without bothering you.” She’s rambling now, but I let her.

It’s fucking cute. She’s obviously flustered and I have a feeling it has less to do with the necklace and more to do with me.

“Holland. Breathe. It’s fine,” I say softly, “turn around.”

She turns slowly, revealing her delicate neck and the naked skin of her back. Her hands are in her hair, lifting it up to expose the tangled chain. My eyes scan the expanse of skin that I want to make my way down with my tongue, then back up to the slope of her shoulder.

I gingerly lift the flimsy chain from her neck and unhook it. When my fingers brush against her skin lightly, she shivers. A response that has my cock twitching beneath my sweatpants.

Fuck, how does something so innocent feel like so much… more?

Leaning closer, I pull the tangled pieces of hair from the chain, until it’s free, and then slide my hands around to remove it from her neck.

She looks back over her shoulder at me, her pupils dilated with the same feeling that I feel, and murmurs, “Thank you.”

When she turns to face me, her cheeks are red and the flush seems to spread from her cheeks down her chest to where she’s covered with the towel. I wonder how far down it actually goes.

“Reed,” she breathes.

I know. I don’t even have to ask about the warning tone in her words, because I know. But, I don’t fucking care. We’ve been dancing around this, pushing it away like it wasn't here, but I can’t ignore it any longer.

“I should go.”

I nod. She should. Doesn’t mean I want her to.

Her eyes hold mine, but she nods then disappears back through the door, shutting it firmly behind her.

My ass hits the bed and I drop my head into my hands. Shit, I’m gonna fuck this up. I know it. She’s Emery’s best friend.

She’s also the girl I can’t stop thinking about.

The decision is easy. I just pray like fuck she feels the same way.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance