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We’re two glasses of wine in and Evan’s passed out against Holland’s side with her arm tucked around him, his mouth half-open, snoring lightly. He’s exhausted. The little guy almost passed out in his plate of spaghetti. Neither one of us seem to want the night to end, so we’ve been talking over our finished plates for the past thirty minutes.

I don’t know if it’s the wine or the city lights, but Holland’s eyes seem to shine each time she laughs, which she has been doing nonstop tonight.

Like right now, she’s making fun of me after I told her a story about the lengths I go to, to make Liam’s girls happy.

“Oh God, I’m seriously imagining you in a Frozen dress and a wig right now.”

Probably shouldn’t have told her that story because now I’ll never live it down.

“Please don’t. Look, I did it for the girls. You didn’t see their faces, okay? I drew the line with lipstick.”

Hollands laughs, low and sultry, and brings the wineglass to her lips. Who knew drinking wine could be so fucking sexy? There are lots of things that I didn’t realize were a turn-on until Holland did them.

I’m way in over my damn head, and the smart thing would be to end it now. Put us all on a flight back home and find a sixty-year-old woman with gray hair and dentures to come on the road with Evan and me.

But, I’m selfish. So I won’t.

I want every single second I can with Holland.

“Tell me about the future. For you. For Evan. What’s your plan?” she says, taking another sip of wine. “You seem to already be figuring things out. I’m proud of you, Reed.”

I drag my hand over my beard. "The truth?”

She nods.

“I don’t know. One second my world was one way, then the next, Evan was thrust into it, and I don’t have a plan. I just know that I’m thankful that things happened the way that they did. Not that my sister being murdered is what I wanted to happen, just that Evan came to live with me. Maybe at first I was hesitant and nervous, but now? I know this is exactly how things were supposed to happen. I’m going to continue to play hockey and spend all of my free time with Evan. Except for when Ma and Emery steal him for a sleepover. They’re obsessed.”

Holland smirks. “You know you stand no chance against Emery. She was made to be an aunt. She’s been texting me images of things from Amazon all day today for his new room.”

I gave Holland and Emery free rein, and they decided to make Evan’s bedroom into a sea-themed room. I’m just handing over my AmEx and knowing my sister, I’ll be a lot less rich when she’s done.

“I just want to be there. Present. And be everything Ma raised me to be and nothing like my father.” Thinking about him sends a swirl of unease to my gut. “That’s what’s important to me. I’m not going to have the answers to everything, and I’ll probably have to call Ma, more often than not, but at least I’m here and I’m trying. I’m giving it everything I got.”

My eyes drift to Evan, who’s sleeping peacefully despite the bustle of the restaurant, and I smile. “Plus, he’s a great little guy. I love him already. Makes it easy, ya know?”

“Definitely. He’s infectious.” She strokes his head affectionately.

The waiter walks up with the check. “Thank you for dining with us tonight. Enjoy your evening.”

Once he’s gone, I realize how late it’s gotten. “I guess we should probably head back, get him in bed.”

Holland nods and reaches for her wallet on the other side of her.

“You’re crazy, let me treat you to dinner.” I stop her by putting my card down on the check.

“Are you sure? I can pay for myself, Reed.”

That’s who she is. It’s one of the things I’ve admired about her since we were younger.

“I know you can, but I’m offering, and I want to buy you dinner.”

We get the check taken care of, and I put my coat on then take Evan from her. He immediately drops his head to my shoulder and falls back asleep before we’re even outside the restaurant. Holland opens the door and we start our walk back to the hotel together. She stares at the tall buildings in awe as we pass by. “This place is incredible. It’s mind-blowing to me that there’s this entire world outside of Chicago that I haven’t seen. It makes me want to add a dozen other things to my bucket list.”

“It’s one of the things I love about being able to travel for hockey. I get to see places that I love and places I’ve never seen. I’m glad you and Evan are here too. It’s different with you here.”

She’s quiet for a moment then speaks, “Me too.”

Once we get back to the hotel, Holland disappears into her room for the night, and I get Evan ready for bed, putting him in his pajamas and brushing his teeth. After, he falls asleep quickly. Today wore him out, in the best way, and I’m hoping it means no nightmares.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance