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It's toolate to change my mind. Too late to turn back now. Too late to cross back over into the untouched territory that we once were.

Not when all that's separating everything I've been desperate for sits on the other side of this door. Fuck, I've tried to hold back. Tried to be the good guy, the one who makes the right choices, but I can't.

Not anymore. Not after tonight solidifying everything I’ve been feeling.

My knuckles rap against the door, once, twice, three times, and then it swings open, revealing Holland on the other side. Her cheeks are flushed red, her mouth slightly parted, completely caught off guard.

"Reed? What are you doing he-"

I don't give either of us a chance to think. Stepping forward, I close the distance between us, my hands sliding up her jaw, into the nape of her hair and pulling her to me. Then my mouth is on hers. Her soft body collides with mine, and she whimpers beneath my touch.

I kiss her like I'm dying of thirst, and fuck, I want todrownin her.

It's the kiss to end all kisses. The kind that ruins everyone before her.

This is reckless and a recipe for fucking disaster, but I don't care. Maybe I will later, maybe we both will.

But right now, all I want is to lose myself in the girl that I can't stop thinking about.

When she opens her mouth to let me in, I slide my tongue in and groan when she fists my shirt like she's holding on for dear life. My hands slide down her back to her thighs and I pick her up, stepping farther inside the room. I kick the door shut behind me, and her legs tighten around my waist.

"Wait, wait, wait." She pants, ripping her mouth from mine. Her deep blue eyes search mine, but then she's kissing me again. Like she can't stop. It's needy, desperate, everything I've felt for the past few days. Out of my mind for her. "We shouldn't do this. No, wecan'tdo this, Reed," she says again.

"Don't give a shit." I kiss along the path of her jaw, down her neck, sucking until she's whimpering beneath me.


I pull back and look at her. "Stop thinking, Holland. Listen, I couldn't sit on the other side of that goddamn door for another second, thinking about you, obsessing about having you. I'm losing my fucking mind. I can't be around you and not touch you any longer."

Her mind is at war with her body, and I can see the flames in her eyes. The same decision I've battled with, but in the end, my need for her won out. "Tell me you don't want this. Tell me right now that you don't feel the same thing that I do. Say it and I’ll walk away, walk out of this room and we can pretend it never happened."

She softens beneath me, pulling her lip into her mouth before speaking, "Emery will kill us. This... this will screw everything up. You know it will."

Maybe so, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. I want her, and I want her over and over until neither one of us feels deprived. Of course I don't want to hurt Emery or jeopardize her and Holland's friendship, but at the end of the day, what happens between the two of us has nothing to do with Emery.

"Please do not mention my sister when my dick is hard." I groan.

Holland laughs, but the movement presses her core right against the head of my cock that's straining in my shorts.

I hiss, dropping my forehead to her shoulder.

"Look, Holl, the ball is in your court. I think I've made it apparent that I want this, but you control the show. If you're uncomfortable and want to keep things the way they are, I respect that. I respect you and I understand."

Our gazes lock and her eyes are the color of the sky before a storm, cloudy and dark. Either decision, either route we take... something changes.

"If we… If this happens, no one can know. Especially not Emery. This is important to me, and it’s the only way I’ll … agree to this," Holland says.

"Fine. Sworn to secrecy. Scout’s Honor." I hold up two fingers as I make the promise, and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm serious, Reed. There has to be... rules. If you really want to do this, there has to be rules. Rules keep everything straight. No blurred lines, no miscommunications. Simple. Easy. No complications, so no one gets hurt."

I sigh and set her down on the bed gingerly, taking a seat next to her. The last thing I want to do is stop, but maybe drawing a clear line will help the fact that we're both entering uncharted territory. Plus, I can't think straight when she's that close to my dick.

"Okay, fine. Rules. Hit me."

"Rule one: Don't fall in love."

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance