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I’m trying to get myself together, but I don’t think anything, but a stiff drink could stop the tremble of my body. I’m not scared either. I think it’s a mixture of excitement, anxiety and nervousness which is rushing through my bloodstream.

I’m not even sure a drink could help me at this point.

Not with my plans looming over me.

I was a little surprised the guys asked to meet up with me tonight for a drink. It’s been a week since I met them and even though we’ve still talked and played online a few times, it hasn’t been as much as we have in the past.

I know I’m the one to blame more than they are. It’s full tilt this week at work with. Then there’s only a few more days, not even a full week of school, and it’s summertime.

I know the kids are barely hanging on at this point. The desperation in their eyes for the freedom of summer is almost laughable. I get it. I remember being the same way when I was in school, no matter how much I enjoyed learning, most of the teachers and my classes.

I’m a little sad, as I am at the end of the year every single time, because these kids will be moving up to high school next year and I’ll no longer be able to see them in these halls. They’re all growing up the way they’re supposed to.

It makes me yearn for something more than what I have. It makes me want the stability of knowing someone is waiting for you when you get home, to celebrate the good days and commiserate over the bad ones. Whenever I think of the future, I can’t help but think about Cy, Gabe and Kent.

I know it’s silly, ridiculous even, and I shouldn’t. They may have said a lot of things the other night, a lot of them making my stomach flutter like I’m a teenager with a crush, but nothing more can come of this. It would be a disaster if there was more to it.

I also don’t want their pity date which is why I almost didn’t agree to meet up with them again. I’m no one’s charity case and while they might not have felt it yet, it doesn’t mean they won’t.

My nerves take flight as I look at myself again. The dress I have on is fitted and shows off my body. There’s part of me who wishes I could just brush off caring what they will think when they look at me. I consider it, I really do, but I know it won’t do much good. They haven’t done anything remotely sexual, but I can’t deny I hope something does happen.

It doesn’t take long to get to the bar downtown and I’m glad I decided to grab a ride instead of drive because I plan to have a drink…or two. I’m going to need it being around the guys. They’re all so hot, but in different ways. What they share is an intensity which has me getting wet and achy with need.

It’s distracting and a little disturbing if I’m being honest. I don’t think I’ve ever been more aroused around a man and there are three of them who do this to me. It’s the definition of a triple threat.

I don’t think I could choose between them even if I wanted to. They look at me with hunger, all three of them. It’s disarming and it leaves me off balance. I’m not sure if I like it or not, but I figure you only live once. I might as well have a good time while I can.

Sooner or later, they’re going to figure out that I’m not all that exciting. Even when I was dating Joel, I would have rather been hanging out at home than going out. I swallow hard as I walk into the bar, hating that I was running late and wasn’t here first. My skin tingles with awareness immediately.

I know they’re looking at me, watching me, tracking me.

Should it turn me on as much as it does? I don’t know, but I’m not going to shy away from it. I’m going to have a little fun.

Haven’t I earned a little fun?

The sadness of it not being able to be more than that tries to creep in, but I push it aside. It’s not every day that three men who look like Cy, Kent and Gabe come into your life and look at you with hunger.

I glance up and see the three men at a table and I zero in on them. They look sexy as fuck tonight, dressed up slightly in slacks and button ups. Cy is in all black, which I find oddly fitting. The sleeves of his shirt are rolled up and they show off the tattoos on one of his arms. The other is bare and I’m not sure which one I prefer. I think I’d like to see both wrapped around my body, that’s for damn sure.

Kent is wearing a green button up which reminds me of the color of his eyes. He’s always come off as the fun one when I’ve talked to them online, but the intensity in his eyes now, and a week ago when we met, tells me there are hidden depths to this man. I kind of want to sink into him and explore all those dark corners.

When I look over Gabriel, he’s in a crisp white button up with a suit vest over it. A damn expensive looking suit vest. It accentuates the taper of his shoulders to his hips. I can almost feel my legs wrapping around him there while he slams his cock inside of me.

Holy shit.

My cheeks heat and the way their gazes turn predatory I have no doubt they can read my every single dirty thought. When I glance around, I notice pretty much every woman in the place are checking out my guys. It makes totally irrational jealousy fill me and it’s not easy to tamp it down.

My steps falter and there is part of me which wants to turn around and run the other way. This is too much. These guys are too much.

I’m already too attached.

Cy must see the panic in my eyes because he clenches his jaw and prowls toward me. My breath hitches as I watch his body move toward mine. He’s way too fucking sexy. He’s the kind of man who could wreck you with one look.

Like the look he’s giving me now.

Tags: Ember Davis Erotic