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Arching my back, I press my arse against his leg and stand back up seductively, my eyes catching with Stella and Seb’s, who are dancing together only a few feet away.

Stella winks at me before I’m at full height once more, and his hands land on my hips, finally spinning me to face him.

I knew the second he saw me. The tremor of awareness that ripped through my body was like nothing I’d ever experienced. Then the closer he got, the more my body burned for him. The more my entire being ached for him.

The only regret I have was not seeing the look on his face when Xander moved my hair and revealed exactly who owns me by showing him the name and number stamped on the back of the football shirt-cum-dress I conceded to wear.

I might not have wanted to come out dressed up like Theodore Cirillo’s number-one fan, but who the fuck am I kidding? I fucking am.

“Hey,” I say, plastering an innocent smile on my face as I drape my arms over his shoulders.

The heat of his large hands burn me up from the inside out as his fingertips dig into my arse with enough pressure that it makes my clit throb.

“Hellcat,” he growls. “You’re playing a dangerous game.” His eyes flick between my eyes and my lips.

“Oh yeah?” I ask, tilting my head to the side. “Why is that, Theodore?”

“Because you’ve just sealed your fate for good.”

His lips slam down on mine and I swear to fucking God, my entire body screams with joy.

His grip on me tightens even more, dragging me forward so our bodies are touching as much as possible, his hard length pressed against my stomach as his tongue invades my mouth.

He kisses me like a starved man and I’m the only thing that can keep him alive. His movements, his possession is almost violent as his tongue licks deep into my mouth.

It utterly consumes me, but at the same time, it’s nowhere near enough.

Everything around us ceases to exist, the music fades away, and the people vanish as we finally give into the bullshit surrounding us and just admit the truth.

This. Us.

It is happening.

It might be the worst idea in the world. We might be headed for disaster, but in that moment, I really don’t give one single shit about what might happen after the kiss, after this night finishes. All I know is that I never want him to let me go.

Releasing my hip, his fingers tangle in my hair before my head is ripped back and I mourn the loss of his lips… until they land on my jaw and he continues kissing as he works his way up to my ear.

“Say yes,” he breathes in my ear.

“W-what?” I stutter, my head swimming in lust and unable to focus.

“Say yes,” he demands again.

And despite my better judgement when it comes to this man, my lips part and I breathe, “Yes,” because I know, no matter what, that he won’t hurt me. And if he does, you can damn well bet that I’ve begged for it.

His hand finds mine and I’m pulled through the gyrating crowd.

One quick look over my shoulder and I find Stella laughing at me as she dances before Seb captures her lips and our connection ends.

Theo marches toward a set of double doors at the back, ignoring the short queue for the ladies’ toilet, until he gets to a door at the end which has a sign that says ‘Staff only’ on it.

“Theo, we can’t—”

A harsh tug on my arm cuts off my argument, and I quickly find myself pressed up against the door frame with his dark, hungry eyes boring down into mine.

“We have to,” he chokes out, his head dipping so his lips brush mine once more. “Right fucking now.”

Tags: Tracy Lorraine Knight's Ridge Empire Dark