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“Drink this, you miserable motherfucker,” Alex barks, slamming both a glass and a bottle of vodka down on the table in front of me.

Dad ensured that the entire top floor of this hotel was booked for us this weekend. We’ve got one suite, Toby and Nico another, and the girls have the other.

The girls and… him?

My blood boils as I think about him touching her, comforting her, having her coiled around his body like a fucking snake as they rode off together.

Ignoring the glass, I reach for the bottle.

“Bro, you won us the fucking game. You’re meant to be on top of the fucking world right now,” Seb points out.

I am. Well, a part of me is.

Seeing her standing there in the crowd ignited something inside me I’ve never really experienced before. The strength of my need to make her proud of me, to impress her, to prove to her that I’m not just some privileged fuck-up who likes to watch her get off like a creep, was quite frankly, disturbing. But it pushed me forward. And thank fuck it did, because we were heading toward having to walk off that pitch at ninety minutes with a fucking nil – nil draw. Not fucking good enough.

I’d rather lose fairly than have a fucking goalless draw.

Seeing the look on Ben’s face when he failed to stop me from putting the ball in the back of their net for the third time in less than ten minutes was fucking beautiful. Almost as beautiful as my girl standing in the crowd with a wide smile on her face.

I have no idea if she knew she had even reacted to my success, but her smile meant fucking everything to me. Her presence, despite her bodyguard, meant everything to me.

“I’m ecstatic about that,” I tell them both.

“Well,” Alex mutters, “did you want to tell your face?”

I flip him off and take another shot from the bottle.

“Whose fucking idea was it that we couldn’t see the girls until we leave for The Cellar?” Seb sulks. “I could really fucking do with a victory blow job right about now.”

“Mine. Asshole. It was my fucking idea to stop you both abandoning me for pussy,” Alex pipes up happily.

“Like you do every fucking time we go out?” I ask. “All it takes is a girl to glance in your general direction and you’re in front of her panting like a bitch in heat.”

“I am not. And anyway, you’re just jealous because I get more girls than you.”

“Jealous. Yeah. That must be fucking it. Did you manage to get rid of the crabs the last skank gave you?” I ask, my voice deadly serious.

“Once,” Alex spits. “It happened once. Can you fucking leave it in the past now?”

“Un-fucking-likely,” Seb offers, swigging from his own bottle while Alex mutters in irritation.

“Just think, if you didn’t ban the girls, you could be having silent one-on-one time with your right hand at this very moment.”

“You know,” Alex says, standing up sharply as if something just bit his arse, “you two are such killjoys now you’re pussy-whipped. I’m gonna go find Nico and Tobes. At least they still know how to have fun.”

“Ouch,” Seb says, covering his heart as if Alex’s words actually hurt him. “One day you’ll meet a girl who turns you to the dark side, man. And I’m fucking here for it.”

“Whatever,” he mutters, swiping his bottle from the table and pulling a baggie of weed from his pocket. “Time to go and celebrate, motherfuckers.” He stalks to the door before turning back to me. “Calli’s still single, right? Maybe it’s time to pop that baby’s cherry.”

My fingers curl around the sofa cushions beneath me at the thought of Calli being corrupted by a brute like him.

“Stay the fuck away from my cousin, Deimos,” I growl. “She’s not kept her V-card this long just to hand it over to a fucking dog like you.”

“Yeah… we’ll see. I bet her virgin pussy tastes so fucking good.”

I swipe the glass from the table—not willing to sacrifice the vodka—and launch it at his head.

Tags: Tracy Lorraine Knight's Ridge Empire Dark