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He says something, but I’m too lost in my panic that he’s going to come running up the fucking stands and kill Xander with his bare hands.

Thankfully, Seb and Alex notice what’s going on and both walk over, dragging Theo backward and spinning him around to sever our connection.

“Well, I think it’s safe to say he’s noticed you,” Xander quips.

“This was a bad idea.”

He shakes his head, continuing to hold me. While I might want to break free for Theo’s sake, I stay right where I am, because Xander is like a freaking radiator and I need the warmth.

“Try telling me that later when you two are hate fucking so hard you can’t remember your own name.”

“Xan,” I gasp in shock, but all he does is chuckle.

“Oh come off it, Em. The tension between you two is fucking unbearable even for me. There’s no way you’re not getting out of this trip without a handful of screaming orgasms at his hands, and you know it.” He leans in again right as the referee blows the whistle for some reason, and Theo turns back our way. Fucking typical. “It’s why we’re here, Shorty.”

A bolt of fear and desire crackles through me in the split second our eyes connect.

“You brought me here to hook up?” I ask in disbelief, talking to Xander but looking at Theo.

“I sure didn’t come here for the game,” he scoffs. “And who knows, maybe I’ll even find myself a little rich girl to play with tonight.”

When Theo is forced to look away from me again, I let out the breath I didn’t realise I was holding.

“We should go,” I mutter.

“And miss him killing every motherfucker on that pitch, wishing it were me? Nah, let’s stay for the entertainment.”

“There’s something fucking wrong with you.”

“Takes one to know one.”

My lips part to argue, but I soon discover I don’t have any kind of comeback because, yeah, I’m as fucked up as the best of them.

* * *

“You came,” Stella screams once the game is over and we’re all piling out into the car park.

“It would seem that way,” I mutter as I get jostled from behind and my heart jumps into my throat, thinking that it could be Theo.

“Why aren’t you more excited? You just watched your husband slaughter All Hallows in front of your very eyes,” Calli damn near squeals.

She’s not wrong. According to the crowd around us, something changed after we arrived because suddenly All Hallows couldn’t keep up, and in the final fifteen minutes of the game, the score went from a boring nil – nil to three – nil to the visitors faster than anyone could believe, thanks to Theo’s right foot.

The thought of it being because of me, of being the one that really lit a fire under Theo’s arse and spurred him on makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Not that I’m going to admit that.

“Did you see the way he was looking at you, girl? You’re in for a good night.” Stella winks.

“I think we’re going to head home. This was a bad idea.”

Xander nudges me with his shoulder in disapproval, but I can’t help the gut-twisting feeling that I’ve made a massive mistake.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” Stella warns me. “We’re going to the hotel to get ready then everyone is meeting in a bar called The Cellar, or something.” She waves it off. “And, I brought you the perfect outfit.”

“Tell me it’s not pink,” I demand, not realising that I’m totally conceding to her plans.

“Yes, girl. This is going to be the best night ever. And no, it’s not pink.”

“Fuck it. Let’s go,” I sigh.

Tags: Tracy Lorraine Knight's Ridge Empire Dark