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My eyes are locked on my tablet as she stares down at her phone, her bottom lip taking the brunt of her desire as she waits for my response.

With my grip on my phone tightening, I force myself to get off the bed and drag my eyes away from her.

She’s got her dark hair piled on top of her head, and she’s wearing an oversized vest that hangs low enough at the front to give me the perfect tease of what I know she’s hiding beneath. But it also shows off the bandage on her shoulder, ensuring the guilt that I’m still feeling over my reaction Monday night continues to swirl around my gut, even with the amount of vodka Seb and I consumed after Alex left, filling my veins.

Coming to a stop in front of my floor-to-ceiling mirrored wardrobe doors, I adjust the waistband of my boxers just so. When I’m happy, I open the camera on my phone and rest my other forearm against the glass.

With my head dipped low, I stare at the camera, imagining I’m looking right into her heated eyes as she begs for me to fuck her.

Snapping a picture, I shoot it off before even checking it. If I look, I’ll pick out a million and one ways I could make it better, and that’s not what this is about.

Be real, Theo. Show her who you really are. Insecurities and all.

She deserves it.

It shows as read straight away, and I rush back over to the bed so I can see her reaction.

“Holy shit,” she breathes, her eyes widening, the movement of her chest increasing the longer she stares.

“What are you going to do now then, Hellcat?”

“This is a really fucking bad idea,” she mutters to herself, pushing a loose strand of hair back behind her ear, her eyes still not wavering from the screen in front of her.

Unable to resist, I start typing.

Theo: Did I render you speechless, babe?

Hellcat: …

I burst out laughing when a string of drooling emojis follow.

Theo: Do I get a treat in return?

Hellcat: Not sure what I’m wearing right now comes anywhere close to matching up to that. It’s gone straight in my wank bank.

My cock jerks the second I read those words, my mind instantly conjuring up an image of her hand pushed into her lace underwear as she rubs one out to that photo of me.

Fuck, yeah. Give me a live show of that, babe.

Theo: You’re stunning no matter what you’re wearing. Try me.

I watch as she flips the covers back and bark out a laugh. She’s wearing the tiniest sleep shorts that I’m sure would cut perfectly across her arse if she were to stand up and turn around for me. But it’s not those that amuse me, it’s the massive hot pink fluffy socks on her feet that I wasn’t expecting.

And it’s those I get a photo of a few seconds later.

Theo: HOT AS FUCK but any chance at something more than your feet?

Hellcat: Theo, Theo, Theo. That’s not how this works. A photo for a photo.

The smile that plays on her lips as she types makes something inside me light up like a fucking Christmas tree.

I fucking love that smile.

Reaching up, I rub the pad of my thumb along my bottom lip as I study her. Fuck, I wish I was there with her, staring into her eyes as she waited to see what I was going to do next.

Shifting position, I push my hand into my boxers, grasping my aching cock and angling my phone just so. It doesn't show anything. I don’t want to go from zero to sixty quite that fast, but there’s no mistaking just how fucking hard I am for her.

Tags: Tracy Lorraine Knight's Ridge Empire Dark