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I can’t believe he’s actually acknowledging these things about himself.

His Lordship: I’m hoping you’ve fallen asleep and that you’re not just ignoring me as I bleed out through the phone. Although, I can’t really blame you if you’re reading all of this and cackling an evil laugh as you plan the best way to use it against me. If you are then do it. I’m sure Seb would help if you need it. But if you’re asleep and not scheming up my epic fall from grace, then I hope you sleep well and dream of all the wicked things you want me to do to you. Sweet dreams, Hellcat. x

“Wow,” I breathe.

I’m halfway through reading that message back, assuming I must have imagined the whole thing, when a soft knock sounds out from my door.

“Em?” Dad’s voice rings out.

“Yeah, I’m awake,” I reply, regretfully locking my phone and dropping it back to the bed.

Scooting up, I sit with my back against the headboard as he lets himself in.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” he asks, his brows pinching in concern.

“Better, seeing as you have coffee,” I say, my eyes following the mug as it moves toward me.

He passes it over and I immediately wrap both of my hands around it and lift it to my nose, breathing in the rich scent as he lowers himself to the edge of my bed.

“How are you doing?” he asks again after I’ve had a sip that I instantly regret when it burns a layer of skin off my tongue.

“I’m okay,” I say, but the pain in my voice makes my words sound less than convincing.

“Emmie, you don’t need to pretend with me.” He wraps his giant inked hand around my leg and squeezes in support. I hold his eyes as emotion and exhaustion, despite just having woken up, swamp me.

“Y-yeah, I know,” I force out through the lump in my throat as tears burn red hot at the backs of my eyes. “It’s just… it’s easier to pretend right now, you know?

His shoulders drop in defeat as he takes me in. “Shit, Em. I’m so fucking sorry.”

Tears finally fill my eyes as I take in the wrecked expression on my dad’s face.

In this moment, it’s clear to see that he’s shouldering the blame for this entire situation.

“Dad, no,” I say, sitting forward, placing my mug on the side and wrapping my arms around his shoulders and squeezing him tight. “None of this is your fault.”


“You’re wrong,” I assure him. “None of this is on us.”

His body shudders against mine, making my chest ache.

My dad is the best man I know. I hate the fact that he’s hurting because of my stupid decisions.

“I told you it was safe, that the Wolves weren’t a threat. If I hadn’t told you that, you wouldn’t have ended up in the middle of them.”

“I trust you, Dad. If you say they weren’t a threat, then I believe you genuinely didn’t think they were. They lied to you, and there’s nothing we can do about that.”

“I should have been more cautious. I shouldn’t have taken Luis goddamn Wolfe’s word when he told me he had no interest in you.”

“He doesn’t. Not really.”

Dad pulls back from our embrace and looks at me inquisitively.

We didn’t talk last night. After I disappeared up here with Stella and Calli, he mostly stayed downstairs. Piper told me he was too angry after everything and was debriefing Cruz and the guys.

I got it. I didn’t really feel like rehashing it all either, despite the fact that I needed someone, something. The exact reason why I reached for my phone and messaged Theo.

I needed that connection to someone to remind myself that I was safe, that it was over.

Tags: Tracy Lorraine Knight's Ridge Empire Dark