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Ifall on the sofa and slouch down, resting my head back while Theo crashes around in his kitchen.

He moved into his family’s coach house after we finished school for the summer, and I quickly made myself at home in his spare bedroom, preferring to be here than in my own house.

It’s the perfect place for us to hang, throw parties and do all the shit that we don’t want Theo’s parents seeing. Not that we’re naïve enough to think that they’re not aware, but it’s better than being directly under their roof.

“Here,” Alex says, dropping down on the other end of the sofa, his eyes boring into the side of my face.

Ripping an eye open, I find him holding a joint out for me.

“You need to chill the fuck out, man.”

His words are like a red rag to a bull.

“Give me that,” I demand, snatching the spliff from his fingers and placing it between my lips, waiting for him to light it.

They want answers, they’re going to have to work for it.

The sound of bottles hitting the coffee table finally makes me lift my head to find Theo sliding beers over to us.

“Take a hit then tell all, motherfucker,” he demands as he falls back and tips the bottle to his lips, taking a pull.

I do as he says, not because I want to follow his fucking orders, but with the joint hanging between my lips, the temptation is too strong.

“I fucked her a few days ago.”

“Right?” Theo asks, a smug grin on his lips. Banging some random girl isn’t exactly an unusual thing for me. I do spend most nights in the bedroom beside his, so he’s more than aware. That’s if we even make it that far.

“She turned up at the graveyard…” I trail off, not needing to explain to either of them what night it was or the reason I was hanging out in a deserted graveyard in the first place.

“Weird,” Alex mutters.

“Yeah, although not as weird as the fact that she approached me while I was knocking cans off the wall.”

“Holy shit. Does she have a death wish, or is she just fucking plain stupid?”

“Neither, it seems,” I mutter, taking another hit and holding it in my lungs until it starts to burn.

The room starts to blur a little around me, making my words flow that much easier.

“She’s got fucking balls of steel and is a better shot than the two of you put together.”

“Fuck you, man,” Alex scoffs. “You know I’m better than both of you.”

“Whatever.” Theo waves him off, too interested in what else I might have to say. “You gave her your gun?” he asks, his brows damn near hitting his hairline.

“I never stand down from a challenge, and she was a fucking tempting one.”

“I get that, man. But your fucking gun?”

“Yeah, well, if I knew who the hell she was when she first turned up, I never would have handed it over, that’s for fucking sure.”

“Who is she?” Alex asks.

The two of them stare at me, waiting as if I’m about to divulge all of the Family’s secrets.

Tags: Tracy Lorraine Knight's Ridge Empire Dark