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Without a word, Alina toed off her shoes so that they dropped to the carpet with a soft thud. Leaning forward, her face came close to mine. So close that her breath tickled my neck as her hand dropped to stroke the rigid length trapped within my slacks, teasing as her lips curved up into a minxy smile. “You drive a hard bargain,” I grunted.

A laugh in her voice, she purred out, "Very hard."

I cleared my throat with a throaty laugh, determined to continue and finish our negotiations as quickly as possible. "Let's see, this marriage will cement an alliance between Lantis and Oshal. An alliance which, I am sure you will agree, will be greatly beneficial between the country of your birth and mine." I stared back down at the paper as I read, but the movement of her hand as she fondled me was pure temptation trying to draw my focus away. "Is there anything in particular you wish to add to that?"

She leaned back, grinning as she took her hand away. "Yes, an alliance between our two countries would greatly benefit my poor birth country. I request that Lantis have full access to your military. To protect it from any harm that may come from your enemies seeking to weaken you.”

She reached behind her and there was the faint sound of a zipper before she bent forward, the top of her dress slipping off and revealing her plain white bra. Her nipples strained against the light material as the fabric of her dress pooled around her waist. I smiled, willing to play her games and enjoy every second of watching her come to life. "We have one of the best Navies in the world. I’ll see to it that Lantis is protected."

"No one will go to war against us with that power backing us. Not even Daunalt." She bit her lip to keep from smiling and instead reached up behind herself, unsnapping her bra and baring her breasts before me. She stood up and allowed the dress to fall and pool at her feet before sitting back down on the chair in just her underwear.

I let out a breath and pulled at the constricting material around my neck. "If that is what you desire."

"Yes, Reece. That is what I desire." She shot a look at the tent in my slacks. "Among other things,” she teased.

"Right." I stared back down at the papers, cursing inwardly at how difficult it was to read with the animalistic desire roaring in my ears. "This marriage will also ally the Atwater family with the Corum family. Although it might be wise to insert a clause that stipulates your mother's exclusion from that alliance."

“My mother is not to have anything to do with our marriage. I refuse to allow her to benefit off of something she very nearly cost me,” Alina said, her voice going thick with emotion.

“She didn’t cost you anything. I am still here, and I always will be, Baby Bird.”

“I have one last request. Aric doesn’t have the resources to have his pick of wives. I’d like for you to lend your assistance. So that when the day comes that he falls in love, nobody will stand in his way, either.”

"I can do that for your brother." No sooner had I finished agreeing than she stood and divested herself of her underwear. Standing and shifting her weight, she straddled my legs and sat on my lap. My cock raged in my pants, so hard it neared the point of pain. She pulled my tie loose before setting to work unbuttoning my shirt quietly. Spreading it open with quick movements, her soft fingers danced across my skin. My nipples pebbled, hardening just like hers with anticipation.

"Granted, I presume?" she asked.

"Granted. What else do you want?" I asked through gritted teeth as I waited for the inevitable tease I knew was coming.

"I want..." She bent towards me so her breasts hung just before my nose and my mouth, and all I was breathing in was her. "To have an office next to yours."

"An office?" At that moment, it was hard to imagine my office being the site of work. Not after Alina had graced it with her unique brand of torment.

"Yes, I want to work with you, Reece. Be your equal in all ways." She leaned back, her hands reaching down and finding the button of my trousers, unfastening it before she pulled the zipper down. "I can be a really quick study.” She giggled with her own absurdity.

Reaching inside my trousers, her delicate and tiny hand pulled me free. The cool air kissed the skin not enveloped in the warmth of her touch, the contrast of temperatures pulling a groan from my throat as her hand gripped me tightly and stroked my shaft. "Do you have any requests for our marriage?" she asked, the teasing tilt to her lips driving me mad with the urge to bend her over my desk and show her what happened when an innocent Princess found herself trapped in the lair of a King.

I wanted to steer our negotiations away from the contractual requirements and business of it all and towards the specifics of our marriage. To comfort her and show her that even though it may be necessary for us to discuss it like a transaction, I would still love her.

I'd still worship her.

"I require you to be faithful. No other man will ever know the pleasure of your hands on him, my Princess," I said, arching my back as she squeezed her grip tighter and stroked me from base to tip slowly. Testing my response to her touch.

"Hmm," she hummed, standing from my lap. Leaning forward, she touched the flat of her tongue to the head of my cock and dragged it through the fluid leaking from the tip. "Am I able to demand the same in return? That this belong to me and me alone?" The wet heat of her mouth surrounded my head, sucking gently as she turned those wide green eyes up to watch me as I bit out a curse.

"I'll cut the hands off any woman who dares to touch me," I growled, sliding my hand into the dark curtain of her hair. Pressing down, I eased her forward and watched her perfect lips stretch around my girth as I filled her inch by inch. "I want you to know that I will never do anything to hurt you intentionally, and that you need only ask and I'll give you anything you want."

She giggled around me, her breath huffing against the hair at the base of my cock. Allowing her to draw back and catch her breath, I watched with rapt fascination as she ran her tongue over her swollen lips and stared at me. "All I want is to be free, Reece. And for you to love whoever I choose to be.”

I cupped her cheeks in my hands, leaning forward to touch my forehead to hers and stare into the depths of her emerald gaze. "There is not a version of you that could ever exist that I will not love with every fiber of my being," I reassured her, leaning back in my chair as she slid to her knees on the floor. The sight of my Princess on her knees before me, serving me in such a base way, I knew I'd need to find a way for her to work inside my office itself.

I wanted to watch her knees redden from rug burn and know she got the marks from taking me in her throat. I wanted to lay her out on the sofa and devour her precious pussy and know that an hour later I'd have a world leader sitting there and drinking tea with her scent all over it.

I wanted the world to know she wasn't just mine in name, but mine in every sense of the word.

I shrugged off the shirt she had unbuttoned, throwing it over my shoulder. "I want you to teach me how to please you," she murmured.

The knock at the door came too suddenly, making Alina jolt. "Not now!" I called.

Tags: Adelaide Forrest Fantasy