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The next thing she knew, Wolf was backing her against the side of the car, boxing her in. “He’s right. Mack told me to tell you you’re still welcome anytime, darlin’.”

“Oh, did he?” She said breathlessly, more than a little affected by him.

“Tonight’s Fight Night. I’ll pick you up.”

“You’re picking me up?”

He put his hands on the roof of the ‘vette on either side of her. “You got a problem with that?”

Staring up into his eyes, she shook her head. “Nope.”

He grinned and winked. Then his hands slid from the roof, he stepped back and turned and walked back to the truck. Green put it in gear and they pulled out.

And she’d stood there, staring after it, until the truck had disappeared around a corner and was long gone.

Crystal shook the memory away and punched in some songs on the juke box and moved to the closet to get the mop and bucket on wheels. She poured some soap in and filled it with hot water. Then rolled it out and began mopping. Mack and Red Dog began upturning barstools, setting them on the bar top.

When they were finished, Mack called over to her, “I’ll be in my office. Dog and Cole are waiting out front. Hurry up, babe. I want to be out of here by one.”

“I’ve just got the bar area left.”

He nodded and walked off.

She continued mopping and when she was through, she rolled the mop bucket out back where she could dump the water. She took it down the hall and into the big back room to the utility sink in the corner. She dumped out the water, watching the last of it swirl down the drain. When she was finished, she looked around the big back room.

The Evil Dead clubhouse was in an old two story brick manufacturing building. The front contained an open area the club used as their main room. There was an old conference room they used for their meetings and one office that Mack used. On the second floor were the old offices, the doors of each still had the frosted glass on the top half with the black lettering on them proclaiming what each was. Accounting, Engineering, Purchasing, President, Vice President, etc.

Mack, Cole and some of the other members used those rooms as their personal rooms at the club.

But out in back on the first floor was a huge open area that had originally housed the manufacturing machinery. It was all long gone, but the club had a special use for the cavernous space. They held their monthly fight nights here. They had a steel cage and everything. Ultimate fighting. Two guys would climb in the cage and beat the shit out of each other, and the boys would bet on the outcome. It was a popular night and always packed the house.

Crystal shoved the mop and bucket in a corner and wandered over to the cage, leaning her forehead against it. Her mind drifted back to the first time she’d seen Wolf fight. It was the first time she’d seen him with his shirt off and good God, the man was gorgeous. All muscle and beautiful tattooed skin.

He’d beat the crap out of some guy from another Chapter that night. She remembered the way he’d looked out from behind the cage and his eyes had connected with hers. And there was a heat in them, some confusing message that was just for her. It had unsettled her and confused her, because she felt something inside herself respond.

Then later, he’d cornered her in the hall, backing her against the wall and asking if she’d enjoyed the fight. She’d nodded, her eyes skating over him and made some smart-ass comment about what wasn’t to love about two half-naked men beating the shit out of each other.

He’d grinned. Then he’d lifted his hand, his finger grazing her cheek. “Does the winner get a kiss?”

It had been the first move he’d made on her. And he’d stared down at her, waiting, not about to take what she wasn’t willing to give.

She’d gone up on her toes and brushed his lips with a soft kiss. When she’d opened her eyes, his were still closed. And then he’d opened them slowly and looked down at her, and then he’d smiled. A slow, soft smile. And that’s all it had taken for her heart to fall completely over the edge for him.

That’s all it had been that first time. Just a single, soft kiss. She’d slipped from between him and the wall, and that time, that first time, she’d thought he’d let her go.

But he’d caught her hand and reeled her back in, corralling her against the wall again. She’d looked up at him, her breathing coming quicker at the heat flaring in his eyes. Then he’d kissed her again, and this time there was nothing soft about it. He’d been all dominate alpha male, taking what he wanted. And he’d wanted her. She’d given back as good as she got, and he’d growled his approval.

That first night the fiery chemistry between them had ignited into full blown heat.

And soon they hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each other, stealing any moment they could to be together.

“Crystal,” Mack hollered from the hallway door, breaking into her thoughts and shaking her memories away. “You back here?”

She hustled back toward the door, and out of the shadows. “I was just dumping out the dirty water.”

“Let’s go, babe.”

She followed him back to the main room. The lights were all out, and she trailed Mack out the front door.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic