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Mack nodded. “Thanks for caring enough to do that,” he’d lifted his chin to the waste basket in her hand, “but that’s not your responsibility.”

Crystal looked down at the glass remaining on the floor. “Still. I feel bad. Let me at least pick up the glass.”

Mack studied her with a frown, as if he didn’t understand her logic at all. Then he’d shocked her by caring enough to say, “Since your ride left without you, Wolf will take you home.”

Then he’d turned and walked off.

She looked up at the man he’d called Wolf. He nodded to Mack, and then his eyes dropped to her. He offered her his hand. “Come on, darlin’.”

She put her hand in his, and he helped her up, their eyes holding. Then he turned and led her out to his bike.

“What’s your name?” he asked as he handed her his helmet to put on. Up until that point, Crystal had never even been on a bike before. She took the helmet and strapped it on. “Crystal.”

He nodded. “You live with Jason?”

“I did. Probably not after tonight.”

“You got a place you can stay tonight? A girlfriend or family?”

She nodded. “A girlfriend.”

He ended up taking her to Jason’s place so she could pack a quick bag. Luckily Jason wasn’t there, so she hadn’t had to run into him. When she came back out, Wolf had glanced around. “You got a car?”

“Yes. Jason’s driving it.”

He whistled and asked in an impressed voice, “That ‘vette’s yours?”

She smiled. “He rebuilt it for me for a birthday present. Jason’s kind of a gearhead.”

Wolf nodded. “He give you the title?”

And Crystal’s stomach had sunk. Actually, he hadn’t. “No.”

He nodded, and then let the subject drop. “Climb on, cupcake.”

He took her to her friend’s apartment.

When he dropped her off, she thought she’d never see him again. But the next morning he pulled up driving her ‘vette. One of his club brothers pulled up behind him in an old pickup truck. When she came outside, Wolf climbed out of the driver’s side.

“That’s a sweet ride, girl.”

She looked at him in amazement as she approached him. He grinned, lifted her hand and dropped the keys and title into them. She looked down at them, dumbfounded. “How did you…?”

He grinned and shrugged. “Green and I can be real persuasive when we need to be.”

She looked down at the title. “He signed it over to me?”

“Yup. There’s a bill of sale in the glove box. It says you paid him a hundred bucks for it. Just take it down to the DMV and get the car put in your name.”

She looked up at him in awe. “Thank you.”

He winked at her.

That’s when Green leaned out the driver’s window of the truck. “Your boyfriend’s a douche, darlin’.”

Wolf looked over the hood at him. “I don’t think he’s her boyfriend anymore, Green.”

“Then hell, come on back to the clubhouse next weekend.” Green grinned at her and waggled his eyebrows.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic