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Dog and Cole stood just outside the entrance, smoking cigarettes.

“Let’s go home,” Mack said to them.

They mounted up, but waited while she climbed in her car and fired it up. Then they followed her out of the parking lot and down the street. When they got to the four lane highway, she turned right and they turned left, roaring off on their Harleys.


And now, twenty minutes later, Crystal stood staring up at Wolf. Pinned against her bedroom wall in nothing but her bra and panties. Classic Wolf. First thing he always seemed to do was back her up against the nearest immovable surface. Wall, door, car, it didn’t matter as long as it was something solid he could pin her against.

“Wolf.” She looked up into his face. His teeth flashed in the dim light as he grinned down at her.

“In the flesh.”

“What are you doing here? You scared the crap out of me.”

“Got your blood pumping though, didn’t I? I can see your pulse pounding in your throat.” She watched his eyes drop to it as his hand came up, his warm palm covering the pulsing vein, and she swallowed. His nearness did things to her, things she couldn’t deny. He knew. He always knew the effect he had on her. The effect they had on each other. Still, she had to fight it. She couldn’t just give in. She licked her lips.

“You’re not supposed to be here. Cole said so.”

His grin faded a bit. “I know what he said. I don’t need you to tell me.”

“Then why are you still here?”

“Because I can’t fucking stay away from you, Crystal. And you know it.”

“We can’t.” She tried weakly to push against his chest.

“You feel it, too. Don’t try to deny it.” His palm came up to cup her cheek, and he moved in closer, crowding her against the wall. Again

st her will, she found her head turning into his palm, her eyes sliding closed, and she heard him whisper, “There’s my baby.”

God, she had to be strong. One of them had to be. “Wolf. Please, just go.”

His thumb brushed over her lower lip, and her eyes opened to stare up into his. As she watched, his gaze dropped to her mouth, and he pushed down on her lip, sliding his thumb into her mouth. She closed around it and watched his eyes flare.

“Love your mouth. Always have.”

And then he was pulling his hand away, his mouth coming down on hers, replacing his thumb with his tongue.

Crystal felt her body melting, her knees going weak as they always did when he kissed her. Yes, Wolf was that good at kissing. As if he knew, as if he felt her grow weak, his strong arms were there wrapping around her waist, pulling her tight against him, holding her up as his mouth ravished hers. Her moans muffled by his tongue.

With a growl, he pressed her back against the wall, pinning her there and freeing his hands to roam over her curves.

She found her own hands drifting up over the smooth leather of his cut, her arms encircling his neck. Her touch fired a response in him. Like it always did. His hands grabbed her ass and pulled her flush against him as he growled into her mouth.

She broke off, pushing him back. “They told you to stay away.”

“I can’t, babe. You know I can’t.” He pushed her back against the wall.

Crystal wanted a man who took what he wanted. A man that wasn’t easily deterred or put off. And that described Wolf to a tee. But at the same time, she knew Wolf well enough to know the kind of man he was, and because she did, she felt safe in letting him be aggressive with her, and she felt safe in showing that side of herself to him. The side that wanted him to be forceful and aggressive, because in her heart she was sure of one thing. And that was knowing he’d never take more than she wanted to give.

“Face the wall, Miss Devereux.”

Crystal smiled. He wanted to roll play. She could always count on Wolf to mix it up. She turned around.

“Hands on the wall.”

She placed her hands high. He tapped her bare foot with his boot. “Spread your legs, Miss.”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic