Page 23 of Crashing Into You

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“Where will you go?”

“Why do you care?”

“Because...I’ve missed you. I only ran because Flip was coming, and I was afraid of what he would do to me. We loved each other once. We could again.”

He snorts with a shake of his head. “You think I’d take you with me after what you did. Fucking desperate whore. I take back what I said. You really are just a dumb cunt.”

Shit. That was the wrong thing to say. I hear a car door shut and Chris jerks me to my feet and shoves me toward the door. “Whoever it is, get rid of them. Don’t even think of trying anything.” He pulls a switch blade from his back pocket and holds it to my neck.

“Yeah. Okay. Got it.” I already know that is Calder on his lunch break. On the days I don’t work he eats at home with me. I know him. When I send him away or don’t answer, he’ll come through the middle door when he notices that it’s shut.

Like clockwork Calder stomps up the steps and knocks on the door. “Honey, I’m home.”

Chris tightens his grip on me and presses the blade deeper into my skin nicking me in the process.

“Go away, Calder. I’m not feeling good, and I don’t want you to see me like this. I’ve caught a nasty stomach virus. I’ve been throwing up all morning.”

“Can I get you something? I can call Dad’s office and see if he can see you or call you in a prescription.”

“No. I’ll be fine. But you shouldn’t get around me in case I am contagious.”

“If that’s what you want.”

“It is. We’ll talk later. Okay.”

“Yeah. Later.” I can tell by how short he is being that he doesn’t believe me. Was Chris stupid enough to park his vehicle in plain view? Either way I don’t let on to Chris that anything is wrong.

Calder’s steps thump back off the porch and to my surprise we hear his car door shutting and the engine starting. A minute later he leaves and real panic sets in. I can’t believe he left.

“I’ve decided. I think I will take you back to Florida with me. Let Flip decide your punishment for stealing from him. The last time he nearly killed you. What do you think he will do this time?”

There is no way in hell I am going back there or going anywhere near Flip. If I can get the knife from him then maybe.... or the minute, he gets me in a car I am jumping out first chance I get.

Tags: Allie Faye, Glenna Maynard Erotic