Page 24 of Crashing Into You

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Chapter 11


This morning when Iarrive at the station, I have a message from Carly stating she needs to see me as soon as possible. As much as I don’t like her, I do need to speak with her about what she may or may not know about Maggie. After checking in with Big Jim, I get in my car and drive to one of the last places I want to visit. The home Roger and Carly bought is the one we were going to buy. It was supposed to be our starter house. A two-bedroom beachfront property with a gorgeous view. We had so many plans. We wanted to have our first child two years into our marriage. Then when that child turned two, we were going to have our second and sell the beach house to buy a family home.

Things didn’t go according to plan. I’ve come to realize they seldomly do. I park my cruiser outside the garage behind Carly’s car and hope that Roger isn’t here, or I’ll be going to jail for assault. Taking a few minutes to myself I find my center before exiting my car to go knock on the door. Carly answers immediately and she looks terrible. Black circles under her eyes, her red hair is sticking out in random places.

“You feeling okay?”

“I’m fine. Just tired.”

“Well I got your message what did you need to see me about?”

“Please. Come in. I’d feel more comfortable talking in here.”

I’d rather not go in, but the sooner I can get this reunion over with the better. “Fine.” I follow her inside and she shows me to the living room. I take a seat and decline her offer of coffee. “Just get on with it. I need to get back to work.”

“Roger isn’t here. He’s at work so don’t worry about that.”

“I wasn’t,” I lie, hating the fact that she can still read me so easily.

“Right. Well.” She takes the single chair off to the side of the couch. “I did something and I’m not proud of myself. Last week I was at the library and your girlfriend was there. I was spying on her, and I found out some things.”

“I already know Maggie isn’t her real name. She’s been hiding from an abusive ex-boyfriend,” I interrupt.

“So you know?”

“Yeah. I do.” I clasp my hands together and blow out a breath.

“I’m afraid that something bad is going to happen and it’s all my fault.”  Carly hangs her head down low.

“What do you mean? What did you do damn it?” I snap at her.

“At first, I wasn’t sure if it was her, but the more I studied the poster I knew it had to be her and why else would she have been looking at it. There was this tip line that said if anyone knew of her whereabouts—I thought if I got her out of the picture then you’d move on eventually with me. I’m not proud of what I did. I called the number then this guy showed up yesterday asking me questions. He was scary, and he threatened me. I told him where she works and where she lives. I didn’t want to, but he had a knife and said he’s cut my baby out of me if I told. I was so scared but, Calder, I couldn’t stay quiet. I’m sorry.”

“You better hope to God that he hasn’t gotten to her. I swear to you if something happens to Maggie. It’s on you!” I point my finger at her then leave without another word.

Fucking Carly. Why couldn’t she leave well enough alone? I get in my car and start to turn my siren on but if he’s there I don’t want to alert him. I end up behind the damn garbage pickup and it takes me ten minutes before I am able to go around them. As I come up on the turn for our apartments, I notice an unfamiliar car parked on the side of the road. I stop to check it out and it has Florida plates. Fucking hell. He’s already here. I should call for backup, but I need to handle this on my own. Maggie trusts me and it’s my place to keep her safe.

I park and exit my car pretending that nothing is wrong as I knock on the door. I can hear the fear and panic in her voice. That bastard is in there with her, but I can’t tip him off. When she tells me to go, I do, but not before I unlock my apartment door and leave it ajar. I leave but I only to move my car out of view. I move quietly and efficiently to enter my apartment. Damn. The door connecting out apartments is closed. Putting an ear to the wall I attempt to listen, but I can’t make out anything that is being said. I need a better plan other than busting in with my gun drawn but it’s all I have. I grab the knob and twist, hoping the door doesn’t creak as it sometimes does as I push it open. Peering into the room I see Maggie sitting on the couch as he cuts the brick of cocaine and sniffs some up his nose off the edge of the blade. With him distracted I push the door all the way open and train my weapon on him. “Hands in the air.”

A dark laugh bubbles from his throat. Then unexpectedly he lunges at me with the knife and I have no choice but to fire my gun. The bullet strikes his chest and he is still laughing at me with a crazy look in his eyes as he staggers backward then slumps down against the wall and slides to the floor. He takes a wheezing breath as Maggie stares at us with wide eyes and then he’s gone.

I grab my radio and call for backup. Maggie is in shock and in need of some coaching. “Let me do all the talking. He’s a crazy ex that you have been hiding from and he followed you here and broke into your apartment. Got it.” I grab her fake license off the table and stick it in my pocket.

She nods, and I take my Maglite and bust out her bedroom window as his point of entry. I’ve never lied in my life on the job, but this doesn’t look good for either of us. Me killing her ex-boyfriend while I am on duty and should be on patrol. It won’t be long before Big Jim arrives and possibly calls in the state police.

“Let’s go outside.” I corral her out the door.

“What about the money?”

“It’s evidence,” I tell her coolly.

“All of it?” she whispers.

“Baby, that’s blood money. We don’t want it.”

“I he really dead?”

Tags: Allie Faye, Glenna Maynard Erotic