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He came fast, just from being ploughed like that, but somehow, he still remained hard, not satisfied in the least. He wanted to be full of semen. He needed to be full of semen.

“Your Highness, your mother is looking for you.”

The voice failed to penetrate the fog in his head. It was just noise, unimportant. Samir opened his eyes and looked at the droid blearily, his mind blissfully blank as his body shuddered under the force of the other man’s thrusts.

He moaned at a particularly well-aimed thrust. There, deeper.

“Your Highness, Her Excellency said you must come to her office at your earliest convenience—”

“Out of my sight,” his mate growled, his hands gripping Samir’s hips hard as his cock pistoned in and out of him.

The droid must have listened to him, because everything went blessedly silent, and Samir could finally focus on the glorious sensation of the thick cock taking him. So good. So right.

When his hole was finally filled with seed, it was such a profound relief, the satisfaction of it unbearable. Samir sighed happily, coming again. So good. Such peace and fulfillment.

He wasn’t sure how much time had passed when a sigh broke the silence.

“Damn it,” a low voice said into his nape. It sounded defeated.

Samir opened his eyes and stared at the wall in front of him blankly as Warrehn’s softening cock slipped out of him.


“At least it was two hours this time,” he said, looking for a silver lining.

Warrehn said nothing, his telepathic presence dark and oppressive. It made the hairs on the back of Samir’s neck stand up, as if there were a predator behind him. An angry one.

“It is good,” Samir said, pulling his pants up. “It was barely an hour last time.”

“You’re very calm about this. But then again, of course you are.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Samir said, lifting his chin and turning to Warrehn. It was jarring to see him completely dressed, as if nothing had happened, as if Samir didn’t feel Warrehn’s come leaking down his leg. “I just see little point in bitching about something we can’t change. There’s always the bright side.”

“Right,” Warrehn said, very dryly, putting his hands into the pockets of his dark jacket. “The bright side being that you and your mother accomplished whatever you were aiming for. What was it again, exactly?”

Samir could only look at him, hating that he couldn’t even truthfully say that Warrehn was wrong. The whole thing had been his mother’s doing, however inadvertently. “My mother would never willingly put me in a situation where I have to get intimate with Emyr’s son,” he said at last. That much was true. “She hated him more than anything, and she hates you by extension.”

Warrehn’s lips curled into something that wasn’t quite a smile. “Yes, she hated him so much that she pretty much lived in his rooms. I couldn’t visit my father’s rooms without stumbling into my dear auntie.”

“That doesn’t signify,” Samir said. “He forced her.”

Warrehn shrugged, raking a hand through his lush golden-brown hair. It made Samir’s fingers twitch. It was positively unfair that such a grim, hard man had such gorgeous hair. It looked so soft.

“He might well have, but from what I’ve seen, either your mother is an exceptionally good actress or she enjoyed kissing a man she loathed.”

“That means nothing,” Samir said, hiding his confusion. “I strongly dislike you. But I enjoyed fucking you, even if it was the drug’s doing, so what? It doesn’t change my feelings about you. You’re still a grumpy, judgmental prick I don’t like.”

Warrehn’s brows drew together. “The situations aren’t comparable. My father didn’t drug your mother with an aphrodisiac-like substance. Every emotion she felt for him was her own, whether she hated him or wanted him. It’s fucked up if she can’t see the irony of this situation and her hypocrisy. She’s now no better than the man she claims to despise. He took her consent away. She took away mine.”

“Whataboutism is pathetic and doesn’t make the horrible things she has suffered through okay,” Samir said before adding belatedly, “And my mother has nothing to do with this.”

Warrehn shook his head. “You’re a far shittier liar than she is. Seriously, don’t bother. I’m not buying your innocent act.” He looked at Samir flatly, his finely shaped, sensual lips twisting into something ugly. “What I don’t understand is what your goal is. You can’t seriously think a few fucks would make me forget all the things your family has done to mine. Sorry, but your hole isn’t that good.”

Samir punched him in the mouth.

He felt a moment of vicious satisfaction when he saw a trickle of blood run down from Warrehn’s split lip. But his satisfaction was short-lived.

Warrehn grabbed his wrist and shoved it against the wall. Leaning down, he glowered at Samir, his forearm pressing hard against Samir’s wrist.

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