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Work continues to drag on even though it’s nearly time to leave. A few times now, I’ve thought about slipping into the bathroom and rubbing one out, but somehow, it just felt wrong. I want my bed, the soft pillowy haven to roll about and touch myself in. I don’t want something as sterile as the dean’s bathroom.

But, honestly, it’s more than that. Luke specifically said I had to tell him when I was getting off. If I tell him then, he’d know that I couldn’t wait and probably use that to torment me sexually somehow. Then again, if I didn’t tell him, I’d still know and be burdened with the guilt.

On top of that, if Dean Anderson caught me, it would be beyond mortifying. I’m still flushed from our interlude earlier. When he called me back in to help sort the applicants, I nearly died. Luckily for me, he didn’t bring it up. That’s the one thing I love about Dean Anderson. Once you’re disciplined for something, it’s forgotten. I’ve never known him to hold a grudge.

The only concern he had was for my welfare with Luke. It makes sense, though. In his mind, we were two strangers that just so happened to collide, but that’s the furthest thing from the truth. In a way, I think I was always meant to be his.

I wanted to taste his violence at Malum. I wanted it to wash over my body and drown me, driving out the insanity that is that club. I wanted it to be my screams that shattered the heavens and startled everyone in its wake. But it never happened. Honestly, even though he was looking right at me as I danced for him, I thought he didn’t notice me or even care.

But the intensity in his eyes as he stalked me from the door told a completely different story. But why did he wait so long? What’s different now? Is it because I’m legal? Hell, at seventeen, I was considered almost ancient by some of them, and now that I’m nineteen, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t even come sniffing around. But is that what Luke was waiting for?

I didn’t think he’d be the type to care about age. But then, I don’t really know him. I can’t speak to what he did or didn’t want. Packing up my stuff, I duck into Dean Anderson’s office and wave to let him know I’m leaving. He looks up and smiles but goes right back to his work.

It must be difficult managing not only a top-tier school but also an underground society. It must weigh on him greatly. Pausing at my desk to make sure everything is packed up for the night, my fingers skim across the proposal that came through earlier.

I meant to give it to him when it came in, but my mind was otherwise preoccupied. He’ll probably reject it, though. The last thing this school needs is a newspaper. It’s hard enough for me to keep my work life, school life, and submissive life separate. Just imagine the havoc that could happen if a newspaper was thrown into the mix.

Luckily, I don’t have to make those decisions. That’s not what I’m paid for, nor is it what’s expected of me as the Dean’s secretary. Tiptoeing in, I try to ignore the heated conversation he’s having on the phone and drop off the packet. Those seem to be happening far more often.

It must be the stress. Shaking my head, I duck out and close the door behind me. I’m far too needy to stick around like I normally do to see if I can be an outlet for him. When he gets like this, a few rounds with his paddle, and he’s back to his jovial self. But tonight, I have a date with my fingers and the memory of Luke.

As I walk out, guilt tries to gnaw at me, but I can’t let myself give in to the habit of being his whipping girl. Now that Luke’s in the picture, I have to consider him and not just Dean Anderson or even myself. I could have been imagining it, but it seemed like the idea of the dean disciplining me upset Luke. I felt a tendril of some unnamable emotion wafting off of him. If I had to guess, it was jealousy. But then, he asked the dean to paddle me anyway, making the whole thing just confusing.

Until Luke and I get to know each other better and set up some definite boundaries, I definitely don’t need to help Dean Anderson out by letting him paddle me. God knows there are far more submissives out there who would love to step up and take one for the team. Either way, once I’m officially claimed, these extra duties of mine will come to an end anyway.

Racing across the quad, I nearly leap up the steps to Chi Sigma Delta and fly into the foyer. Many of the other girls sit about in their lingerie, hoping to tempt any Doms that choose to visit. Luckily for me, I don’t have to even attempt this anymore. Besides, the few times I tried were just a disaster.

It just wasn’t me. As much as I’m beginning to think I like humiliation, it was just far too invasive. I hated putting myself out there only to be looked over for someone else. But now, I don’t have to worry about that. After a year or so of humiliation at Loftry, I will finally be claimed and officially taken off the market.

For many of them, it was a fun game. The thrill of being a piece of meat dangled in front of the men and women, but not me. I was more than happy studying in my room until being called - which never happened. I should be far more grateful than I am, but truthfully, it hurt. No one likes being passed up over and over again.

But seeing the lust in Luke’s eyes when he found out that I was a virgin made all of it worth it. Now, instead of pain, I can look back on those memories with relief. Giving a courtesy nod to the few girls closest to the stairs, I make my way up, not paying any attention.

Hands wrap around my mouth, stifling any sort of sound except my frantic grunts, but even those are quiet compared to the ruckus downstairs. And that’s when I feel the cold edge of his blade against my neck. Is it Micha? Has he found me? I don’t want to go back to Malum. I’d rather die. As an experiment, I jab my elbow backward, connecting with soft tissue.

The grunt in my ear spurs me to action, but before I can strike again, he slams me into the door and holds me there, breathing against my ear in the same hurried rhythm as my heart.

“You’re going to pay for that, little rabbit,” the voice croons, and I nearly faint in relief.

“S-sorry. I thought you -. I -. You scared me.”

His soft chuckle brushes across my skin, sending goosebumps racing through my body. “That’s the whole point. Gotta give you credit, though; you can really injure someone with those bony elbows of yours.”

Incensed at his insult, I take advantage of his momentary distraction to force my body to turn in his arms until we’re face to face. “Hey now. My elbows are perfectly -.”

Luke’s lips descend against mine, and all thoughts fly out of my head. It’s stupid to think in terms of fairytales and happy endings, but for just that moment, my heart soars. Somehow, I found my prince charming - even if he’s in tarnished armor.

Pleasure floods my body, soaking my still-damp panties as he pushes me back against the door and shoves his tongue into my mouth, owning it, claiming it, possessing me. This is the stuff legends are made of. It could be my inexperience, but never in my life has a kiss gone straight from my lips to my clit.

It pulses with insistent need, reminding me why I rushed home in the first place. Reaching behind me, I palm the door handle, but my fingers are at the wrong angle to read my prints. No matter how much I fumble with it, it won’t open. Perhaps I have the wrong door?

“What’s the matter, little rabbit? Stuck?”

Luke slides his mouth over mine again as he reaches past to place his fingers on the doorknob. Once it clicks, he eases back and wraps his good hand around me, pulling me against him as he pushes us through the door. The click when he shuts it behind him is ominous, filling my core with a thread of dread.

I really don’t know this man, and he held a knife to my throat. Even now, I long to slide my hand up my neck and feel for blood, but I don’t dare move first. There’s something predatory about him, something that makes my breath catch in my throat.

Tags: Vivian Murdoch Loftry University Playthings Erotic