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He moves first, breaking the tension between us. “Strip for me, rabbit. Let me see what you have under those ugly clothes of yours.”

I resist the urge to snap at him, and instead, I stick out my tongue. Before I can pull it back in, he’s there, his teeth gazing the sensitive buds. I stifle a moan as best as I can, but it still manages to squeak out in a soft, traitorous breath.

His groan, as it brushes across my lips, sends a shudder through me, rocking me to my core. Is this what I’ve been missing out on?

“I don’t do brats,” he whispers against my lips after he lets go of my tongue. “You will either mind your manners and respect me, or that bite will be harder next time. Am I understood?”

I stare into his eyes, my emotions swirling through me. How can someone so young have so much authority? He’s old enough to work here but doesn’t have that same air about him that the others have. They feel settled in their ways, comfortable in their dominance. It’s exuded in every breath they take, in how they walk, how they talk.

Yet, here’s Luke, far younger than they appear to be, wielding the same club they do, albeit in a far sexier way. There’s a danger about him that’s absent in the others. Though I don’t doubt they’d discipline me in a heartbeat if needed, I never had a sense of fear or worry about them.

Luke terrifies me, but it morphs deep inside into an unquenchable longing. He pulls away and takes another step back, allowing me to drag untainted air into my lungs. But I can still smell him, still taste him. Reaching for the front of my shirt, I attempt to tackle my buttons, but my fingers are far too shaky to be successful.

“Shhhh, little rabbit.” Luke strides back over to me and covers my hands in his.

The gauze of his splints grazes against the backs of my hand. Something so simple, so innocent, and yet I’m about to combust. Groaning, I try to pull away, but despite his injury, he holds firm.

“Go lie on the bed. I’ll take care of your clothes for you.”

Again, that drip of unease slips down my spine, sending a chill through my body. I lay down and stare at the ceiling, unsure of where to look. If he has something dastardly planned for me for not obeying him fast enough, I don’t want to know.

The sound of Luke removing his clothes pricks my ears, drawing my gaze back to him. By the time I look over, he’s completely naked. Every inch of him is toned, without an ounce of fat that I can see. His rippling six-pack dips down to the most delicious v I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

Drifting down, I pass over his cock, not quite ready to face that, but that fine trail of hair that starts from his belly button and goes all the way down tempts me beyond all reason. He isn’t super beefy like I’ve seen in some of the other Dominants, but I prefer this. He doesn’t feel so overwhelming.

Starting at his feet, I make my way up, going slower this time. I note his strong, muscular legs that look incredibly powerful, but then, as a track coach, it makes sense. Thick, defined calves lead up to even thicker thighs that ripple with every bit of movement. His legs look like they can win any race, but as someone who hates to run, I have no actual clue.

It’s his cock, however, that grabs my attention and refuses to let go. The longer I stare, the stiffer it becomes until he’s jutting out hard, thick, and long. The happy trail I followed earlier ends at his base, but there’s no other hair there. His balls are smooth and bare, allowing me to watch in fascination as they draw up tight, wrinkling the skin.

I’ve seen cocks before - they’re impossible to miss at the submissive initiations - but I’ve not been able to really study one up close. The time that the Dominants came on me, I had my mind on other things. I just wanted to get through the whole sticky, humiliating situation and wasn’t focusing on the cocks themselves.

But even from what I can remember, Luke seems to be far thicker than most of them. Or is it the fact that I’m actually staring at him so closely? Fear starts to snake its way into me as realization finally dawns. He’s eventually going to fuck me with that thing.

None of the toys I’ve played with have ever been that big. Even if I disobeyed his order and inserted something inside myself, I wouldn’t be prepared to take him. When he clears his throat, that’s when I tear my gaze away from the massive beast in between his legs and look at his face.

A wicked blade gleams from between his teeth, making him look like a rogue pirate intent on defiling me. I’ve never really seen knife play done before, and, though I’ve been curious about it, there’s no one I’ve felt comfortable enough to try it with. Since I have it on my soft limits and want to try lists, I’m sure he’s going to make full use of the tool he wields like an extension of himself.

“You’re not good at hiding your emotions, little rabbit,” he murmurs, walking over to the bed with silent steps. “Do you think I’m going to carve you up into little pieces and toss you out for the animals to devour?”

I shake my head, but only because my thoughts didn’t stray to something that graphic.

“Ahh,” Luke continues, reaching forward to scrape the blade down the side of my cheek. “Is it that you think I’ll harm you with my knife?”

The need to nod fills me, but I don’t dare move with the blade resting on my face. Once he moves it away, I nod and shrink back as best as I can without making it too obvious. Some nameless emotion crosses his face, but it’s gone before I can identify it.

“But you’ll be my good girl and take everything I give you. Isn’t that right, little rabbit?”

Again, I nod, fear shooting spikes of adrenaline through my body until I’m worried I’m going to be sick. He doesn’t respond. He just stands there, still as a statue. The only thing moving is his chest as it heaves up and down.

“Then prove it. Prove you’re my good girl. Expose yourself to me.”

My fingers tremble as I grip my skirt and lift it up, showing him my panties that are probably beyond soaked. As much as he’s scaring me, it’s turning me on more than anything ever has before.

“That’s not enough. I want to see your pussy. You know what? Never mind, I’ll do it myself.”

Before I can protest, his knife rests on my thigh, a cold contrast to my fevered skin. Closing my eyes, I hold my breath, waiting for the moment it slices into my skin, but that moment never happens. Instead, I’m met with the sound of fabric ripping as he tugs the knife through.

“That’s better. God, Shelaine, you’re just soaked. Is that all for me, baby? Tell me it’s for me. Be my good girl and tell me what I need to hear.”

There’s a desperation to his tone, a longing that vibrates through the air. I have no clue what’s causing it, but deep inside, I want to fix it. I want to make it right. Whatever demons are plaguing him, I want to fight them. As small and weak as I am, I will fight his monsters if it comes to that.

“I-it’s for you, Master.”

“Ahh. I knew you were my good girl. Oh, my good, good girl,” he groans as he slides his fingers through my lower lips. I groan and arch into his touch, reveling in the feel of him caressing me. “But you’re going to have to prove it just a little more. Just a little more, baby. Can you do that for me? Can you give me what I need?”

“Anything, Master.” My voice is stronger this time, bolstered by the idea of using my submission to ease the pain I hear peppering the air, suffocating me.

“Hold very still. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to.”

I freeze, my hands clenching the covers underneath me. Luke lays the knife back on my thigh and leans in, running his nose along my pussy, inhaling deep enough to make me want to squirm.

“Don’t move,” he continues, pulling back. “Don’t you fucking move. I want you to stay just like that, my own personal fuck doll. Understand me, rabbit? And you better use your words.”

“Y-yes, Master. I understand.”

Relief shines in his murky depths, as if he was scared that I would disobey him and he’d have to retaliate. It seems the only thing keeping him grounded is my submission. Deep down, I worry it’s the only thing keeping me safe.

It’s like he’s a caged bird flapping at his enclosure, beating against the glass in an attempt to get free. I don’t want to speak out of turn or even breathe wrong for fear of shattering the glass and letting the monster inside of him loose.

I can see it, prowling around, peeking out of his eyes every now and then. For the most part, it's Luke that’s with me, but in other moments, I’m not sure who’s in control. Somehow, instead of making me want to run, it makes me want to see what will happen next.

On the outside, it looks as though I’m being a colossal idiot, trusting this stranger with my body. But on the inside, it feels like the right thing to do. It’s as if we’ve both come full circle from Ashen Springs and can finally make a life together.

Granted, even when he claims me, if his monster gets to be too much, I can petition Dean Anderson to force him to let me go. It’s not what I want, but it’s that slight feeling of safety that allows me to lay here and be this conduit for him. Besides, Luke made it pretty clear that if I obeyed him, he wouldn’t harm me.

Tags: Vivian Murdoch Loftry University Playthings Erotic