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Ivan waits in my office,hands grasped behind his back. Sitting down at my desk, I sigh and rub a weary hand over my forehead. If he's feeling at all apprehensive about this plan, he doesn't show it. He's like a rock, and right now, I wish I had his fortitude. It probably helps that he has no feelings towards the girl. That's where I'm getting hung up.

I pull out the papers and lay them on my desk, lips quirking up as I think of how amused Chelsea would be to see my office set up like a set from a spy movie. We go through the schematics once more, looking at every entry and exit. There are probably rooms I can't see on these blueprints. Maybe that's where they're hiding her. If we can find Anastacia, then there will be no need for Chelsea to get taken. There has to be something I'm missing. Either that or I'm just desperate for another outcome. Shaking my head, I toss those thoughts aside. I'm a Volkov, damn it, and we never lose our cool.

The decision is already made. I just need to tell my heart to shut the fuck up and get with the program. Pulling out a magnifying glass, I skim over some of the more questionable rooms, taking a close look at any areas that could be a secret entrance or exit. Hours go by, and we are no closer to uncovering the club's secret. All we have to show for our work is a throbbing headache and a whole lot of nothing.

As Ivan turns to leave, I stop him at the door. "When they take her, let it happen. Don't try and stop it."

A weird look flashes in his eyes before he nods and turns.

"You're sure, da?"


Tags: Vivian Murdoch Loftry University Playthings Erotic