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I palm the firm globes for a moment, relishing in her silky skin bisected with angry welts before stepping back and letting my hand fly. Her howl of pain as the belt lashes across her ass brings precum welling back up to my tip. I glide my palm over my head and use the fluid to ease my fist down my shaft. I pump a few times, watching her writhe against the restraints.

“Do you know why I wear a belt, little bird?”

She pauses, her body still as she thinks. “To keep your pants up?”

A loud chuckle rumbles through my chest. “Yes, but then why the suspenders?”

She twists about, trying to look at me. “I don’t know, because dapper is a thing?”

I lean over her body, nipping her ear just to feel her squirm beneath me.

“If I were merely dapper, I wouldn’t wear a belt with suspenders. That breaks all the rules. I wear it because I like to have it on hand for recalcitrant asses that need a firm reminder.”

Once more, I swing my belt. The leather connects with her ass, jostling just a bit in my grasp. Her muscle gives way under the impact before a red stripe lights up her skin, almost erasing the marks from earlier. Almost. Tossing it beside her head, I walk back to her front so I can see her face.

She’s a pitiful display. All tears and sniffling. Her cheeks are wet and glistening as she arches her head up, trying her hardest to spear me with a glare. Aligning my cock with her gaze, I stroke myself again. Soon, her eyes drift down to follow my movements.

“I so wanted to take my time with you, Lastachka.” With a heavy sigh, I slip my suspenders back down - one strap and then the other - taking my time so she can watch me and let her brain dream up the worst possible scenarios. “I wanted to tease you with my mouth. With my hands.”

My shirt is next. Though already unbuttoned, I slip it from my body in agonizing increments. Her eyes are like saucers in her face as she watches my striptease. Whether it’s from arousal or fear is yet to be seen.

I fold the shirt as best I can and lay it across the bed over her arm. Chelsea looks at the thing as if it’s a carrier of the most horrific diseases. Chuckling low under my breath, I thread my fingers through her hair. Even now, even when she’s unable to escape, she finds little ways to make her displeasure known. Most women I’ve played with wouldn’t dare even breathe wrong in my presence. Maybe there’s something to be said about breaking another person. Submission that is harder won certainly should taste sweeter.

“I wanted our first joining to be one of combined passion and ecstasy.” Pulling back, I kick off my shoes and tuck my thumbs under the band of my underwear, grabbing the flaps of my pants with it. Groaning, I ease them over my hips, the fly of my tight boxers catching my shaft and forcing it downward. As they slide off, my cock pops back up, the head grazing my lower abs.

Picking up my pants and underwear, I put them next to my jacket and stalk around to the side of the bed, grabbing a bottle of lube. The cavernous room is still and quiet as I pad my way over to one of the members and whisper into his ear. It’s as if the whole collective is holding their breaths, waiting to see what happens next. Well, if they’re looking for a show, I am more than happy to oblige.

Chelsea tosses her head back and forth, trying to see what’s happening. Shaking my head, I slide up to her and skim my fingers across her back, tracing her welts with my fingertips. With a flick of my foot, I spread her apart, forcing my hips inside the cage of her legs.

Her thighs are slick with arousal. I grin and run my palm against her lower lips. Apparently, the intel I gathered was wrong. Grabbing the lube, I drizzle it across her ass, watching in fascination as it slides down her crevice to cover her bottom hole and lips.

Her struggles return as the cold liquid hits her body. She tenses as my fingers breach her hole. I don’t even warm her up. I shove two fingers inside her, up to the hilt. Her fingers scrabble at the fabric, keening moans tearing at her throat.

Pulling out, I slap her ass and grab the belt. I twist it in my grip as I slide it over her throat and pull it through the loop. She whimpers as the leather encircles her neck, bringing a grin to my face. Her body goes stiff as I pull up on the belt, but she finally settles. Keeping a close eye on her breathing, I slide my cock along her crevice, slipping easily through the lube.

I align my head with her hole, easing my way inside. Her ring tightens around me, nearly kicking me back out. Gripping her hip, I ram myself in, gritting my teeth as her ass squeezes the life out of me. Sobs pour from her throat. Half-baked promises spill from her lips. Pulling back on the belt, I stop her words. I pummel her, punishing her ass as I find my pleasure. Electricity sparks up my spine as my balls draw up. Chelsea’s body lays limp underneath me, only twitching as she cries. Letting the go of the belt, I dig my nails into her hips as I push forward to my orgasm.

With a roar, I fill her ass with my cum, feeling the relief of my balls emptying into her. My breaths come in ragged gasps, huffing hot air against her sensitive skin, as I come down off of my high. Chelsea remains still, more so than I’ve seen from her tonight. Panic clenches my insides, squeezing the breath out of me. I’m near dizzy from the sudden removal of oxygen. Resting my hand against her back, I ensure that she’s still alive. It takes a few moments, but her body moves in a small crescendo as she breathes into my palm and settles under my touch.

Smiling, I toss the tail of the belt off of her back, but it stays circled around her neck. It shouldn’t impede her breathing in any way. I grind up against her ass as I force myself as deep as possible, choosing to stay nestled inside her until I begin to go limp. I twitch a few times as the heady sensations lessen in their severity. Gripping into her, I try desperately to hold onto the sensations - her body tight around me, her ass clenching me deep into her.

Sometime during our foray, one of the men brought over the plug as I had asked. Reaching over, I keep one hand on her to keep her still and grounded as I pluck the glass up and hold it to the light. The plug isn’t so big that it should be uncomfortable going in. The bulbous head is close to my girth; give or take a few millimeters. Taking it out, however, will be a different matter. The ride home should give her ass plenty of time to shrink down to the base, making it difficult to remove. Bringing her ass up, I pull out of her, sliding free with a gentle tug. I hold the plug above my shaft, shoving it in as soon as my tip breeches her hole. Barely any of my cum escapes her as I twist it in, sealing her up.

Once I’m able to pull away, I stare at her for a moment, noting the sniffling and mewling as she squirms on the bed. My belt is still wrapped about her, albeit limp and lifeless. I lean over, letting the heat of her skin wash over me as I pull it out from around her neck. Tear-stained eyes peer up at me as she cranes her neck around to catch my gaze. The slight quiver of her lips tries to call to me, but I see her for what she is, a manipulator that will do anything to get her way. Pulling back, I slide off the bed.

“See to her while I clean up.”

Some nameless men undo her restraints and drag her off while I head over to an alcove leading into a bathroom. Her angry screeching reaches my ears, finally silencing when she’s tucked away into her own bathroom. Sighing, I lean against the wall to catch my breath. Jeremy owes me big time. The way he described her is nothing like the hellion that he saddled me with. Shaking my head, I push off of the wall and continue onto the bathroom.

The hairs stand on the back of my neck as I duck my way into the shadows, alerting me that I’m being followed. Pretending to ignore it, I walk over to the sink and turn the taps, letting the water get warm. Within moments, John Anderson’s face pops up behind me in the mirror. The small kernel of concern I’ve been holding lets go, and I let out a small sigh of relief.

Glaring at his reflection, I pump the fragrant soap into my hands, taking a moment to draw the spicy, masculine scent deep into my lungs. My fingers slip and slide against each other, mimicking the glide of the lube on her crack. My traitorous dick twitches at the sensation. Already I long to be buried back inside of her. I shove those thoughts out of my head and concentrate on cleaning my fingers.

After I’m clean, I wet a nearby cloth and turn my attention to my dick, dismayed that I’m already standing at half-mast. What is it about her that calls to me? By all rights, I should have just fucked her and left. I’m the one in control. No one would have batted an eye if I revoked my claim. Why then am I still with her? John clears his throat behind me, drawing my gaze up to his in the mirror. We stand there in silence, staring at each other as I slide the slippery cloth up and down my member, doing my best to ignore my muscles’ protesting, intertwined with shafts of pleasure.

I turn, unaffected by my state of nakedness, and cross my arms. John glances down before smirking and leaning against the wall.

“You followed me in here for a reason. What is it? Or did you want to get a peek of me in all my glory? Could have just asked, you know.” At the twist of his lips, I chuckle and finish drying off. “You should be glad I didn’t kill you.”

He raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing at his lips.

“I knew you had enemies, but damn.” John inclines his head towards my hips. “Besides, I know for a fact you’re not packing.”

My lips separate into a wolfish grin as I roll my hips around, letting my cock slap about my upper thighs.

“I don’t need hardware, old friend. You of all people should know this.”

His face sobers for a moment before he leans back against the wall. Faint lines cross his forehead as he sighs.

“You’re not going to kill the girl, are you?”

My brows draw down in a deep frown. Standing to my full height, I look over at him, my body bristling. Clenching my fists, I force myself to stay calm. Deep, even breaths fill my lungs, forcing my heart rate down to normal.

“You, as my friend, insult me like this?”

“As your friend, yes. It’s not an insult, and you damn well know it. I know you well, Grigori. I know your dealings, and I know your tastes. Chelsea ain’t it.”

“She could be with the proper training.”

A pinprick of feeling worms its way into my chest as I think about her pout, her eyes, her unruly hair. Hell. He was right. She’s not my type. That doesn’t mean she’s leaving my brain or cock anytime soon. The thought of actually bending this brat to my will has my cock shooting back up to half-mast again. I’m so fucked.

Tags: Vivian Murdoch Loftry University Playthings Erotic