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“I applied for you, and reviewed it, and chose you. It’s done.” An involuntary laugh left me at his highhandedness.

“With all due respect, but isn’t that a little presumptuous of you?” I asked, sticking a hand to my hip, and growing a little mad. This man was clearly power mad, and I should hate it more than I did. The fact that I didn’t hate it only made me madder; at myself.

Aaron shrugged with a perfect, eloquent nonchalance that needed no answer. He didn’t give a fuck.

“Well, thanks for the offer, but I’m afraid I already have two jobs, so I have to decline.”

“It wasn’t an offer. It’s a done deal, unless you want to fail my class,” he said smoothly. His words robbed my breath from my chest. I gripped the counter.

“Are you threatening me?”

“If I have to. The position pays more than both your jobs combined, so really, if you can’t understand working less for more pay, I don’t think any advanced business courses can help you.”

“The pay isn’t the point!” My voice was solid, but inside I was quaking. Paid more than both my jobs? Holy shit. I had to take it. “The point is your deciding for me,” I ground out. “You’re just my teacher, that’s it. You’re not my father,” I said stiffly. Theo’s words sounded in my head. Hello daddy. A furious blush blossomed on my cheeks.

“I am well aware and grateful for that, believe me,” Aaron said, and stood up. He dropped a $10 bill on the counter.

“You’ve already paid,” I reminded him.

“It’s a tip for this pleasant conversation and scintillating company,” he said. I tried to read his face.

“Are you mocking me?” I wondered, more hurt by the idea than I should be. He shook his head.

“No. Not at all,” he said, and something in his flat tone seemed honest. “Think about the position. Don’t let pride or ego get in the way. Less work, more pay, and time to study. It’s a good deal, Amy, and I want you to have it,” he said, shoving a hand through his thick, wavy dark hair. He was so broad and sexy standing there before me at the counter, all that intense energy focused on me. I swallowed and merely nodded. He was right, however, that I couldn’t let ego stop me from taking a great deal.

“Wait!” I called, as he turned away. He paused immediately and turned back to me. “Doesn’t that mean we would be working together? Like… closely?” I wondered. I didn’t know all the duties that a TA had to carry out, but I assumed they worked closely with the professor. Aaron nodded and then gave me a grin that I’d never forget. It was the closest I’d ever seen the taciturn man come to showing me beneath that mask he talked about. It lit his handsome face up.

“We all have our crosses to bear, Miss Mackintosh,” he said, and then tipped his head to me. “See you in class. Don’t be late.”

Tags: Gia Bailey His Obsession Romance