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This might just turn into a disaster.

I spend the afternoon at a photoshoot for a new client. I’ve been doing family portraits since I was seventeen and I’ve even done some wedding photography for friends of the family. I’ve always loved photographing people in love, capturing the beauty of deciding to spend your life with someone else. It’s the most gutsy thing in the world to put your all into trusting someone else with your heart.

Today’s client wants unique engagement photos so I take them to the train tracks on the edge of town. The two of them walking on the tracks makes for striking photos and the imagery is perfect. Starting a journey together. Traveling through life side-by-side. It’s perfect. The couple is so much fun to shoot that I lose track of time and the afternoon flies by.

By the time I get home it’s almost five o’clock. Izzie is downstairs watching television and James is in the kitchen eating a sandwich. When I enter the room, neither of them looks at me. There’s a weird tension in the room, like I’ve just walked into the middle of an argument.

Izzie has been surprisingly cool about Jamie crashing here but I make a mental note to find out how long he plans to be in town. Having a house guest is always a bit of an adjustment and I don’t want to impose on her hospitality for too long.

I set my camera bag down on one of the kitchen chairs and pull down a glass from the cabinet.

“What’s going on?”

Jamie glances over and takes another huge bite of his sandwich. “Nothing,” he mumbles.

I fill the glass at the sink and gulp down the water. “Okay, well I have to get ready to go.”

I can’t afford to show up late, either. My mother will definitely notice and she’s already going to be shocked when she sees my date. I’ve never cared that Zack doesn’t fit into the image of what my parents think is an appropriate partner for me but bringing him tonight is making a statement they won’t be able to ignore. I’m not fooling myself that they’ll be nice about it either.

Maybe I should just risk my mother’s wrath by skipping tonight. Hearing her fuss tomorrow might be worth avoiding the drama that’s sure to come tonight. Although Zack might be annoyed if I change my mind at the last minute. I mean, he had to go buy a tux just to come. My shoulders sag. The whole thing is so pretentious.

“Where are you going?” Izzie finally gets up and wanders into the kitchen. She sits at the kitchen table.

“We have our parents’ anniversary party tonight. Zack is coming to pick me up in an hour. My photo shoot took longer than expected so I have to hurry. It’ll take me at least an hour to shower and do my hair. Forget actually getting dressed.”

“Zack is taking you? No wonder you’re acting like such a nervous wreck.”

“I’m not a wreck!” I almost drop the glass but manage to catch it. The little bit of water in the bottom sloshes out onto the floor.

Izzie gets up and takes the water glass from my hand. Jamie hands her a paper towel and she wipes up the mess on the floor.

“Sit down. You’re making me nervous shaking like that.”

I sit at the table and rest my head in my hands. “This is a bad idea.”

She sits next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. “Why? Tell me what’s so bad about taking a guy you’re crazy about with you to a family event?”

“You know how my parents are. They’re so obsessed with appearances. Zack has never cared what anyone thinks and I love that about him. I just hate the idea of anyone making fun of him. Not because I care what they think but because I don’t want him to have to put up with that crap because of me.”

“Maybe you’re worrying for nothing. I’m pretty sure Zack can handle himself.”

“I know. You’re totally right. He’ll probably show up tonight with his hair in spikes wearing a purple tuxedo just to shake things up.”

She laughs. “I’d love to see that. Your parents could use a little shaking up if you ask me.”

Jamie pushes away from the counter. “Why don’t you come with us? When I replied to the invitation a few months ago that was before Erica and I broke up. So I have two seats.”

Izzie stares at him and then her eyes shift over to me. “Really? You don’t mind?”

He pauses for an uncomfortably long time. Then says, “Of course not. It’ll be fun. I bet our table will be the liveliest one there. I’m usually just pretending to pay attention. This will be the first time I’m actually having fun.”

“Get dressed up and go to a fancy party? Twist my arm, why don’t ya!”

We both laugh as Izzie runs upstairs, no doubt to tear apart her closet and find something to wear. A few minutes later Izzie yells down the stairs. “Jo, you’d better hurry up!”

I glance at the clock over the oven. “Oh, crap. She’s right.”

Zack will be here soon and I’ll still be wearing jeans with my hair in a bun. I pat Jamie on the arm as I pass by.

Tags: M. Malone Blue-Collar Billionaires Romance