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“You’re still coming to the engagement party right?” It's hard to believe that it'll be here so soon. When Emma found out that I was opening a small business, she asked Finn to introduce me to some local business owners. This party is going to be a networking dream. I’m excited but also nervous.

“Yeah, we’ll be there. Eli has gotten to know Finn pretty well lately. It’s good for him to get some guy time in. It'll be good for you, too. You've been holed up so long ever since the show—"

“No talking about that day! You know the rules.”

“Sasha, it's really not that bad. I saw the video—”


She looks a little scared, probably because of the death glare I'm giving her. "I'm just saying that you've cut yourself off from the world for the last two months. Yes, whoever uploaded that video to Youtube is a jerk but you can't let this keep you from living your life."

She stops talking and sits back with a disgruntled look on her face when I make a cutting motion with my hand across my neck. “Okay, okay, no talking about it. I’m just saying it’s not that big of a deal.”

“Everything is going to be fine." I don't look at Kay, trying to keep a lid on my emotions.

After my disastrous appearance on the reality TV show, SuperNova, I had retreated from my life for a while. I'd known that going on the show had been a long shot but I'd assumed that I'd get some publicity. Several of the past contestants so far had been offered recording contracts even if they didn't win.

I'd been so sure that I could impress the judges and walk away with a contract, a career, anything other than the heaping dose of humiliation I'd gotten from choking on stage on live television.

"I know you've been worried about me but you don't have to be. My whole family is investing in my new venture and I think this is going to be the start of something wonderful. For all of us.”

I lift Hope up in the air and nuzzle her belly, prompting a round of charming giggles from her.

Kay's eyes are shining. "I'm so proud of you, Sasha. I know everyone in the community is excited about having our own jazz club. Eli's cousin, the one who's a reporter, will be there. I'm sure you'll be in the newspaper. And all the other local business owners are going to be out to support you. This is the perfect opportunity for you to meet someone new.”

I’m about to protest again when Kay reaches out and grabs my hand. “I know you don’t want to. I know you think it’s a waste of time. But honey, that’s just because you’re so used to bad guys. There are some amazing men out there. I got lucky enough to find one of them and I just want the same for you. You deserve that.”

I close my eyes and let the feeling of contentment wash over me. Kay and I have been friends since elementary school and I’ve never had a friend who has supported me the way she does. No matter how many times I fail, no matter how many stupid decisions I make, she always believes the best in me.

When I open my eyes, ready to agree just to make her feel better, I smile at the sight before me. Kay is snuggled into the pillows of the couch, her hand that’s encased in mine completely slack.

She’s fast asleep.

I pick up Hope and snuggle her against my shoulder. "Come on sweetie, let’s go for a walk and let Mommy have a nap."

And hopefully when Kay wakes up, she'll have forgotten all about her plan to fix me up.

chapter two


There are many things that I'm willing to do for family. Several things cross my mind that I've done in the past, things I'm not particularly proud of and that are one foot over the line into illegal territory. But as I listen to my brother Zack, I'm seriously considering rethinking my stance on family loyalty.

"She's a friend of Emma's. Finn wants me to help her with setting up her business. Mentoring if you will," Zack explains.

"So let me see if I understand correctly. Finn asks you for a favor and you want to pawn it off on me? Nice."

Zack chuckles. "Oh come on. You know I'm not good with shit like this. You're the one who handles the customers at the shop. It shouldn't take that long, maybe a few afternoons explaining how to get started. Showing her the paperwork she needs to file. You know, stuff like that."

I shift my cell phone to my other shoulder. "Do you really think I'm the best person to be a mentor? Wouldn't she be more comfortable with someone she knows? A

nd why the hell didn't Finn ask me to do it?"

Zack snorts. "He knows how you are with women. I'm sure he doesn't want his female friends anywhere near you. Look, he's going to set up a meeting but I figure I can just claim to be sick and send you in my place. Finn won't know until after the fact."

I groan and look impatiently to the long ass line I've been standing in for what feels like forever. Zack is lucky he caught me when I'm feeling generous. Whoever this poor girl is, if I don't agree, she's going to have to suffer through an afternoon with Zack grunting and scowling. Standing in the local business office reminds me of when I was first starting out and had no one to help me. The least I can do is pay it forward, especially to help out a friend of a friend.

"Ok, I'll do it. But I'm only committing to a few days and then after that she's on her own."

Tags: M. Malone Blue-Collar Billionaires Romance