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A loud ring makes him jerk back. Just that quickly, I remember we’re in a public place. He looks like he’s just had the same thought because he smiles sheepishly and pats his suit pocket.

“I apologize. I thought I turned my phone off.”

“No, it’s okay. You should check and make sure it’s not important.”

Being on your phone is considered bad date etiquette but Vin has been giving me his complete attention all night.

With a rueful smile, he draws his phone out of the inner pocket of his suit. He stares at the screen for a second and then mutters something in Italian.

“I am so sorry. I actually have to take this.”

“Go ahead. I’ll ask for the check. Then we can get out of here.”

His eyes warm at my words before he leans over and plants a soft kiss on my forehead. Then he walks toward the back of the restaurant. He’s probably going to take the call in the bathroom to get away from all the noise in here.

He’s only gone a minute when the waitress comes by.

“How was everything? Do y’all need boxes?”

“Just the check, please.”

“You got it.” She glances over her shoulder as if looking for something. “Your friend is so nice. I couldn’t believe it when one of the other girls told me who he is.”

“Who he is?” I repeat slowly, trying to figure out what she means by that.

“I mean, he seems so normal.” She chatters on as she gathers up the plates from our desserts and stacks them on her tray.

“I can totally see the resemblance now, of course. I mean, duh! He kinda looks like his brother. Do you think he’d mind taking a picture? I want to send it to my sister. She’s the biggest Andre Lavin stan in the world. She won’t believe this!”

My mind is spinning as she keeps talking. Andre Lavin. Anyone who is breathing and knows how to use social media knows who he is. But I definitely know who he is because he’s all Mya can talk about lately. She’s been working around the clock trying to land his business.

This is a huge deal and not something I can ignore. If Vin had been just a random guy, having a hot affair with him wouldn’t be a big thing. He’s sweet and intense but he’s still a guy. Which means the chances of this thing working out in the long term are pretty low.

It was one thing to consider dating the hot guy with the intense eyes.

But it’s a completely different thing to consider dating someone who is famous and rich and has the ability to wreck my best friend’s career if things go south.

“Do you think you’ll ever come by and bring Andre with you guys? I would love that so much. He is just everything.”

I look up sharply. Oh geez, is the waitress still talking?

“Once you come back with the check, I’ll find out if that might be possible. Okay?”

She beams. “Awesome! I’ll go get that.”

As soon as she turns around, I get up and grab Edward from the other side of the booth. Normally I’d feel guilty sticking a guy with the check but considering this guy is the spare heir to a billion dollar dynasty, I think it’s okay.

I pause, then hurriedly take a pen out of my purse. I grab a napkin from the dispenser and write I’m sorry.

The thing is, I really am sorry things turned out this way. But that’s what I get for thinking my luck had changed. It just took longer than usual for the universe to deliver its final kick in the teeth.

Outside, I walk a few blocks over before calling for an Uber. I’m sure when Vin sees that note he’ll come

running outside looking for me. But I can only hope we never run into each other again.

There’s way too much at stake and I won’t gamble on something this important. My best friend will win her client and life will go back to normal.

“Jesus, lady!”

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance