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It looks like a gnarled cross between a wolf and a gremlin.

“You take him with you everywhere, hmm?”

“Not everywhere. Just around town. He’s very good company.”

“I’ll bet. Let’s go inside.”

Her surprise is quickly covered with a bright smile. Interesting. So she didn’t even think we’d make it inside. Part of me wants to ask how many men she’s scared away with this demon baby trick. But I can’t be the first one to open that door of conversation.

I want her to tell me.

More than that, I want her to want to tell me.

“There’s no hostess or anything. You just find a seat.” Ariana motions for me to follow along as she heads for a booth in the corner. Once we’re seated she pulls her baby off her chest and sits him next to her.

I raise my hand to attract the attention of a passing waitress. “Yes, could we get a child seat please?”

She starts to say yes and then her eyes land on the doll next to Ariana. Then they swing back to me before she nods quickly and scurries off.

Ariana bursts out laughing.

“I’m glad you find this so amusing.”

She shakes her head. “I should have guessed you’d just roll with it. Nothing seems to get to you.”

She still doesn’t get it. I’m just happy that she showed up. For the first time ever I’m excited about spending time with a woman. I know what she’s trying to do with that demon doll. I saw her do it that first night at the bar too, with the salt. She’s used to pushing people away and most men are too focused on themselves to notice or care why she’s doing it.

But I’m not most men.

And I’m not going anywhere.

After the waitress comes back with a child booster seat, we settle into casual conversation. I can’t say this is what I imagined our first date would look like but at least we’re here.

And the view is incredible.

The waitress reappears at the side of the booth holding a tray of waters. She plunks a glass down in front of each of us unceremoniously before launching into a long explanation of the specials.

“I’ll have the ribs platter.”

“That sounds good, I’ll have the same.” I hand over the menu, hoping the waitress will clear out so I can have Ariana all to myself again.

What we eat isn’t the reason why we’re here. She looks nervous all of a sudden as the waitress gathers the unused menus from the table and leaves.

“So what do you think so far?” Ariana looks around the interior of the dark restaurant.

If the large outline of a pig on the sign outside wasn’t enough of a clue, the inside has the same sign behind the bar. The tables are made from wood that looks like it’s seen several centuries of use and even the menus have pigs all over them.

“It’s cute. So many things in America seem to involve farm life. I love it.”

Ariana stares back at me from across the scarred wooden table with fire in her eyes. Oh yes, she really thinks something as silly as a restaurant will scare me away. My girl doesn’t know what she’s up against.

That’s how I already think of her. As my girl.

Women always think men are opposed to monogamy. What we’re usually opposed to is boredom. I’ve listened to more than one female cousin lamenting the ex-boyfriend who broke up with her and ended up marrying someone else a year later.

He met the person who excited him. When that happens you cannot let her slip away.

Tonight is my shot and I don’t think I’ll get another. Papa used to tell us that only fate could have put a poor man like him in the path of a princess. Nicholas Lavin was a big believer in destiny guiding our paths.

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance