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“Mr. Hamilton was quite clear that he didn’t appreciate my interest in you. He warned me to stay away from you.”

“He did?” My mind is racing, trying to fit this new knowledge in with my memories of the trip. How did Milo find time to speak to Mr. Lavin alone when we were together the whole time?

Mr. Lavin laughs softly. Even his laugh is elegant, a sort of low, rumbling growl. “It was very late after dinner when I encountered Mr. Hamilton at the bar. He made it clear that you were involved.”

“We’re not together. I mean, we’re not a couple.”

My heart clenches at the reminder. I’ve been so angry with Milo, thinking that he’d gone behind my back. More so, thinking that he’d valued business over our developing relationship. But now I find out that he wasn’t thinking about business at all, he was trying to protect me?

“Not many men would threaten the competition over a woman who’s just a friend. You’re lucky to have found someone who would do anything, even jeopardize his career for you.”

“Milo threatened you?” My eyes seek out his. This close I can see the unusual shading of his striking dark eyes and smell the subtle aroma of his cologne. Any other woman would be drooling. But all I can think about are a pair of laughing blue eyes. “You must have misunderstood.”

“I assure you he was quite clear.” Andre smiles wryly. “After that I was discouraged. I would not pursue a woman who is engaged to be married. But after what I overheard at your office…”

Just then a waiter appears holding a plate aloft. When he lowers it, Milo’s face appears. “Someone ordered a steak?”


He drops the plate unceremoniously on the table and then slides into the booth next to me. Mr. Lavin watches, his eyes twinkling at the sudden turn of events. He doesn’t even seem perturbed, just picks up the wine bottle again.

“Mr. Hamilton, I didn’t know you’d be joining us. Wine?”

Milo glares at him before grabbing the bottle. “Don’t mind if I do.” He takes a swig directly from the bottle. “You didn’t waste any time making your move, I see.”

“I never waste time. Life is too short. We have a saying in Italy. Vivi il presente. It means to live in the moment.” He picks up his fork and cuts into his steak.

“We have a saying where I’m from too,” Milo retorts. “Back the fuck off and find your own girl.”

I whack Milo in the chest. “Would you stop? Nothing happened. We’re just talking.”

Before he can say anything else, the real waiter arrives. He looks at the plate on the table and then at the one he’s carrying. “Your meal, sir?”

Mr. Lavin looks down at the steak he’s just taken a bite of, his brow wrinkling in confusion.

We all turn at the sound of a commotion. A man across the dining room is pointing at our table and gesticulating wildly.

Milo shrugs. “Yeah, I just grabbed that plate off a random table.” He salutes the man acros

s the room. “You could do with less red meat, buddy. Heart disease is a killer!”

Mr. Lavin chokes slightly before spitting the food into a napkin. “Well played, Mr. Hamilton.”

I put a hand to my forehead. We’re going to end up getting arrested. That’s if no one ends up with food poisoning first.

While the waiter takes the renegade plate away, Mr. Lavin suddenly pats his suit pocket. He pulls out his cell phone. The smile on his face disappears and he stands.

“Mi scusi. I must take this call.”

As soon as he’s gone, I turn to Milo. “What the hell are you doing?”


I watch Mr. Lavin walk away, confident even under pressure. Not many could be so cool even when confronted by a rival. It’s annoying that I admire him so much.


Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance