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The power of Chunky Monkey is incontrovertible.

“Just say it. I don’t really think anything you say could make this worse.”

When Ari has something she wants to say there’s no holding her back anyway, whether you grant her permission or not. Plus, I kind of do want an outside perspective on this.

“William was a twat.”

My mouth falls open. “Wait, what? I thought you liked him?”

She shrugs. “I didn’t dislike him. Or at least I didn’t until I noticed how he always put you down and never seemed to care about what you want. Everything was about him.”

“What does it matter now? We’ve broken up.” I hate that I’m feeling defensive about this. But somehow it feels like an attack, as if not seeing William’s true colors is a reflection of my bad judgment. Which maybe it is.

“Because I saw those roses you brought home a few weeks ago. Then you mentioned he came by yesterday. If there’s even a chance that you two might get back together, I want it on record that I think you can do way better. You deserve someone who knows how awesome you are, Mya. And you didn’t get excited when you talked about him. But you know who you did get excited about?”

I hold up my hand. “Don’t even say it. I don’t want that name in my mental space. This is supposed to be an asshole-free zone!” My hand clenches around Chelsea a few times.

“Jesus, stop squeezing that damn cow! It’s kind of turning me on and even I’m not that fucked up.” She heaves a dramatic sigh. “Look, I’m just saying you should talk to him. Give him a chance to explain. Because that kind of chemistry doesn’t come along every day.” Having said her piece, she rises gracefully, scooping up Oreo as she goes. Then she pauses.

“Also, whenever you and Will would fool around in your room, I’d always hear your vibrator after he left. You didn’t have that problem with Milo. Just saying.”

“Ari!” I slide down in my chair and put a throw pillow over my face.

Her laughter follows her out of the room. “No shame girl, I’m just saying you shouldn’t have to put up with a dude’s shit and still have to take care of yourself. What the hell is the point of that?”


ter she’s gone I take the pillow off of my head and let out a sigh.

What the hell is the point?

Maybe I should at least hear him out. I would like to think that I’ve matured enough to know that things are not always black and white. Sometimes two people can be in the exact same situation but see it differently. It’s possible Milo didn’t think he was being underhanded by talking to the client directly or that he was planning to tell me about it. Ugh.

Now I’m just rationalizing and trying to find a reason to forgive him. Good sex isn’t a reason to overlook lies and treachery. But we do work together and I can’t stay home eating Ben & Jerry’s forever. So I probably need to talk to him sooner rather than later. Better to have this confrontation outside of the office.

I pick up my phone and skim all the I’m sorry and Let me explain texts. Then I notice a call from an unfamiliar number. The same number left a voicemail.

Miss Taylor, this is Andre Lavin. I heard from Mr. Lawson that you’ve been under the weather and I’m sorry to hear that. But if possible, I would like to take you to dinner before I leave town. I’ll be dining at Les Printemps tonight at 8pm. Join me if you can.

My loud whoop brings Ari running. Her robe flaps open behind her as she bursts into the room, Oreo yipping at her heels.

“What’s going on? What happened?”

I struggle to my feet, sluggish after two days on the couch feeling sorry for myself. But I’m going to have to rally because this is my chance to explain my side of the story to Mr. Lavin. More than likely I’ll have to swallow my pride and grovel to make up for the lies we told in Vegas. But now that he’s seen my campaign, maybe he’s more inclined to forgive if it means getting a kickass launch for his new line.

“Andre Lavin wants to meet me for dinner. This is my chance. I have to convince him that Mirage can handle this account, despite everything that’s happened. Because if I don’t at least try to salvage this, I’ll never forgive myself.”

Ari nods along. “You’ve got this, girl. Put your big girl panties on and go get that account. Well, honestly any panties other than the ones you’re wearing. Because you’ve been on this couch for like two days straight.”

See what I mean? She never holds back.

Groveling is supposed to be hard work. But Mr. Lavin has been incredibly understanding. In fact, almost too understanding. Every time I try to explain what happened in Vegas, he redirects the conversation.

“Mr. Lavin, I really do want to apologize for lying to you. That was–”

He holds up a hand, pausing me mid-speech. “Andre. Please call me Andre.”

“Right. As I was saying, we really didn’t intend to be dishonest.”

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance