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“I seem to recall you like my cooking. Do I need to remind you I make a mean eggs Benedict?”

“I remember. But my pantry is a bit more pedestrian than yours. In this kitchen the breakfast specialty is scrambled eggs and toast.”

He grins. “That would be great. Do you trust me enough for coffee duty?”

“Only if you know how to use a French press.”

“Do I know how,” he mutters. With a light smack on my backside, he releases me so I can go fetch what he’ll need from the cabinets. He takes the glass carafe and coiled plunger from my hands with a smirk. “Ms. Ross, you’re about to have the best cup of coffee of your life.”

I laugh, finding it so natural to slip back into a state of normalcy with him. It’s unnerving how effortless it is to banter and tease with him. Surreal to glance over and find him working beside me in my kitchen after spending most of the night in my bed upstairs making love.

I put the bread in the toaster, then busy myself at the stove with the pan of eggs while Nick comes over to retrieve the steaming teapot. After pouring hot water into the press on the counter, he comes back to replace the kettle on the extinguished back burner.

He lingers beside me, watching me grind salt and pepper on the eggs. “What are your plans for the day?”

“I want to look in on Kathryn

this morning. If she’s feeling well enough for company, I’d like to visit with her for a while.” I nod in the direction of the cupboard next him. “Will you grab a couple of plates and mugs?”

He places the dishes on the counter. “Will you see Jared there today?”

“I don’t know. Possibly.” He grunts unhappily, but says nothing. I can’t imagine how he could be worried about Jared or any other man after last night. But Nick is a possessive man, and I’d be lying to myself if I try to pretend I don’t remember what it’s like to be the recipient of all that primal male attention and focus. I glance at over at him, more amused than I should be. “How’s the coffee situation?”

“Totally under control,” he says without even checking. “What are your plans after you check on Kathryn?”

“I thought I’d go into the studio. I’m making good progress on a piece I hope to finish this week, but I’m also hoping to see Lita. She said something to me at the event last night that’s been bothering me.”

“Lita, your friend who’d caught the eye of Derek Kingston.”

“That’s right,” I say, struck by the fact that he remembers a conversation he and I had more than a year ago about my friend and the former rockstar. “But it was her art that caught his eye.”

Nick smiles. “I’m sure it was. What did the asshole do to her?”

“I don’t know. Whatever it was, it was bad enough to make her walk off the project yesterday.” I turn the flame off the pan of cooked eggs, then butter the toast that popped while we were talking. “Lita’s been living and breathing that project for months. I’ve never seen her so consumed by anything else she’s worked on before, yet suddenly she just decides to quit?”

“The guy’s got a reputation for being difficult,” Nick says. “I’m sorry if your friend got the brunt of it.”

“Me too. I just want to make sure she’s okay.”

He nods, considering. “And after you do that, what’s next on your list for the day?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then come out with me.”

“Out with you,” I say, tilting my head at him. “Are you asking me out on a date?”

“I’m trying to.” The edge of his mouth quirks. “A bit out of sequence, considering last night, but, yes, Avery, I’d like to take you out. On a proper date.”

“What time?”

“You decide. You can call me later today and let me know when you’ll be free.”

“What if I decide to stay late at the studio?”

“I’ll wait.”

Then, as if the matter has been decided, he walks over to work the coffee press and fill our mugs. Without having to ask me, he adds both cream and sugar to mine—just the way I like it—and hands the mug to me.

Tags: Lara Adrian 100 Erotic