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I move in close, skimming my hand over the tense planes of his back. His muscles twitch at the contact. I don’t know what I’ve said that’s upset him the most, but the last thing I want, especially right now, is to put distance between us.

I press my lips to his shoulder blade, relieved when he doesn’t pull away. “We don’t have to talk at all.”

I turn him around to face me. He’s still hard and erect. His chest is heaving, his handsome face taut with rage and arousal and something darker that I’m afraid to name.

His neck feels like a column of steel when I wrap my hand around his nape and pull him toward me for my kiss. He doesn’t resist. He moans as our mouths join, his tongue spearing past my parted lips and teeth.

There is fury in his kiss. And need.

So much need.

I slide one hand down the front of him, over the firm ridges of his abdomen and into the crisp hair at the base of his shaft. He groans thickly at the first stroke of my fingers along his length. When I close them around his cock and begin a slow but steady rhythm, his breath leaves him on a ragged sigh.

I break our kiss, my eyes hot on his as I sink down before him and take him into my mouth.

“Avery,” he utters, his voice low. His expression is tender, tormented. “Ah, Christ.”

I work his cock with my mouth and tongue and hands, swallowing him deep, then licking the plush crown, all the while never releasing his gaze.

I want to make him feel as safe with me as I do with him. I want to make him unravel, make him lose that consummate control of his. I want to make him remember what is real.



He holds my head as I increase my suction and my tempo, my tongue searching for the spot that will take him to the edge. He closes his eyes on a curse gritted between his teeth. When his lids drag open a second later, there is nothing but heat in his eyes.

His fingers curl into my wet hair, clutching tight. His hips move in time with my mouth now, his thighs spread and braced. His stance is so carnal, so primal and male, as he thrusts into my demanding mouth.

I moan, losing myself to the power of his pleasure too. My sex throbs with each plunge and pull. I’m wet and aching, barely able to resist sliding my fingers into my folds to relieve some of the delicious pressure that’s building between my legs as I suck and fondle and lick him.

“Fuck,” he rasps sharply, his big body convulsing when I take him deep enough to knock the back of my throat. His eyes are hot with warning, with an unspoken plea. “Baby . . . I’m going to come.”

“Mm,” I hum as I swallow him again, opening my throat to take him nearly to the root.

His shout ricochets off the tile and glass of the shower. A jet of thick, hot semen floods my mouth. He shudders and bucks as I continue to work him, drinking everything he’s got.

“Ah, God. Avery.” He hauls me up with little gentleness, then claims my mouth in a feverish, possessive kiss. I’m still sticky with his juices, my lips and chin coated with him, but he doesn’t seem to care.

Pressing my back against the marble tiles for support, he lifts one of my legs around his hips and drives into me on a harsh groan. My body arches into him as he fills me, yielding to him completely. He starts to thrust hard and deep, his scarred hand clamped around my hip, his other one splayed on the wall above my shoulder as he moves in and out of my body.

His eyes never leave mine, not for a moment.

We move together, our bodies and gazes bound, our desire for each other entwined.

When my orgasm chases through me a few moments later, Nick studies every nuance on my face. I cannot hide from him, not anymore.

There is no need.

The realization washes over me like a wave. I belong to him now, wholly, completely.

And he is mine.

His raw gaze tells me that, even if he can’t give me the words.

He shouts my name as he comes again, inside me this time, his seed jetting forcefully against my core. He drops his head onto the curve of my shoulder. A hard shudder rocks him as a further burst of heat spills into me.

“Avery,” he rasps, caressing me as he releases my leg from around his hips. “What have you done to me?”

Tags: Lara Adrian 100 Erotic