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“Anywhere I want, anything I ask of you,” he murmurs, repeating the promise I gave him in that rain-soaked parking lot the day he came looking for me. “No boundaries. No barriers between what I desire and what you’re willing to surrender to me.”

I nod and release a shaky sigh, torn between wanting him to soothe the wet, throbbing ache of my sex, yet savoring the anticipation of the pleasure I know he will give me. I can’t look away from his face. The combination of his low voice and sensual touch rivets me. That’s all it takes for him to make the rest of the world fall away for me.

The fact that he can look at me and make me believe that somehow I do the same for him is the most powerful aphrodisiac I’ll ever know.

His eyes rivet on mine, holding my gaze so possessively, I can hardly breathe. All I can think about is the need for him to touch me, to kiss me . . . to make me come the way I nearly did back at the L’opale dressing room.

But he isn’t ready to give me that relief just yet. I see the truth of that in his ruthless gaze.

His hands slowly drift away from me. Yanking his tie loose, he tosses it carelessly aside, then unfastens the top two buttons on his shirt. He leans back now, draping his arms along the back of the sofa, his thighs spread. His knees cage me on both sides where I stand in front of him. With his cock straining in the confines of his pressed trousers, he looks at me with a profane mixture of hot lust and cool, aggravating control.

“Undress for me, Avery.”

I shoot a sidelong glance at the door and the shuttered windows, the only things concealing us from an entire floor full of people. Muffled voices carry indistinctly from the corridor outside. At almost noon, the office is buzzing with activity and conversation.

“Don’t think about them,” he instructs me firmly. “There is no one else right now. Only us. And I want you naked.”

There is no leniency in his command, only certitude that I will obey. Because he knows I will. Not because it’s part of our agreement, but because I want desperately to please him.

Despite my fear of discovery—despite my awareness of all the reasons I shouldn’t find a man’s complete domination of me as seductive as I do with Nick—I nod my head in acquiescence and begin to do what he demands.

I remove my sandals, then slowly peel off my white silk tank and let it flutter to the cocktail table behind me. My breasts feel heavy, too constricted within the lacy cups of my bra. My nipples have been hard as pebbles ever since Nick entered the room with me.

Now I feel them pucker even more under the hungered blaze of his eyes as I reach around to unzip my skirt. The linen slides down my bare legs, pooling at my ankles. I step out of it, a move that brings me one pace closer to the edge of the sofa and Nick’s erotic, negligent sprawl.

I shiver, not from any chill, but from the pure animal heat that pours off him as I stand before him. I can see what it’s costing him not to reach for me, to deny himself the urge to snatch me up right now and throw me down beneath him. His hands are splayed on his spread thighs, his strong fingers curling into the muscle of his legs so intensely his knuckles are bone white.

“The rest, Avery.” His voice is raw, coarse with desire.

With one arm laid across my breasts, I reach back with my other hand to unfasten the clasp on my bra. It springs loose, held in place only for a moment before I let it fall away. Nick’s breath leaks out of him on a low curse. That curse becomes a groan a moment later, as I slip my fingers into the front of my thong and slide it off my hips.

“Jesus Christ, baby. How many times have I seen you take off your clothes, and yet I’m never prepared for just how fucking beautiful you are.”

He reaches for me at last, harshly dragging me toward him as he moves to the edge of the leather cushion. His hands grasp my wrists and push my arms behind me, leaving my body wide open to him. Then he is off the sofa and down on the floor on his knees, his mouth closing over my sex. Sensation rushes up on me in wave after wave as his tongue spears into the folds of my cleft, wet and hot and hungered.

My head drops back, a jagged mewl of pleasure tearing from my throat.

Nick shows me no mercy.

Thank God.

My body has been on the verge of exploding for what feels like hours, and now that Nick’s mouth is on me, I know I won’t last long. He kisses and licks and suckles me, his wicked tongue moving from the tight knot of my clit to the drenched seam of my body.

When his grasp on my hands goes lax, I know better than to risk moving them. I know his cues well enough by now. He has no rope to bind me, but he wants my surrender just the same. My reward is the deepening power of his lips and tongue on my quivering flesh, while his hands now roam freely over my body.

“Nick,” I gasp brokenly. “Oh, fuck . . . I’m so close. I’m going to come.”

He moans against my pussy, his tongue pushing inside now, adding fuel to the fire of my building release. I clutch my hands together behind my back, my legs starting to tremble violently under the sensual assault of his mouth. He pulls my clit between his lips, sucking the bundle of nerves so intensely I see stars behind my closed eyelids.

When his finger enters me and drives deep, my orgasm erupts. It takes me over the edge, splintering my senses. I cry out with the force of it, not caring if every person on the floor can hear me. This is what he does to me. Makes me shameless. Makes me bold.

With him, I’ve become someone I would never have recognized just four short months ago.

His name boils past my lips as hard tremors rock me. My legs feel boneless, my body wrung out and quaking under the relentless pleasure of his wicked mouth and skillful hands.

His gaze catches mine, his blue eyes stormy, as dark and wild as a tempest. The sight of him licking me so carnally while he watches my face twist in uncontrolled passion is nearly enough to make me come all over again.

I reach for his shoulders to steady myself, but in the next moment he’s shifting between my parted legs, giving me one final, dizzying lash of his tongue before he moves back onto the edge of the sofa cushion.

Tags: Lara Adrian 100 Erotic