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Fin looked like he wanted to say something, but then changed his mind. He sat back in the chair, watching his sister.

“What do you want to do, Zoey?” Hawk asked.

I gave Helix and Melinda one last look and turned my attention to Hawk. “I’m tired of running and hiding. I want to go into the heart of his home and tear it out like he’s done to me.”

Fin stared at me like I’d grown another head.

“What?” I said. “I’m tired of this fucker always winning. I’m not going down again.”

He shrugged. “We tried a head on approach before.”

“No, you tried one and didn’t clue me in. And we had zero support. In this case, I think at the very least the bounty hunters will fight with me.”

His confusion slid into something like awe. “Some of the fae I know would love the opportunity to take Esteban down.”

I shifted so I could look at him easier. “I bet we know a few mages like the Captain who would also be willing to throw their magic into the ring.”

“You want everyone to fight together?” Helix said. “It will never work. The species don’t mix that way.”

I held up my hand. “People who want to run off and hide don’t get to offer suggestions on the plans.”

Melinda whispered to him and all he did was glare my way. He could glare all he wanted; I didn’t answer to him.

I returned my attention to Hawk. “What intel do you have?”

He gave me a wicked smile, crossed to his desk, dug around in the bottom drawer, and produced an overstuffed file folder. “Hard copy, of course. I don’t know what his tech capabilities are. We started gathering information years ago and continued to more after you left.”

I took the file. “You didn’t think I’d want to see this when I told you guys point blank I was going after the Black Mage?”

He stood his ground a few feet in front of me. “You weren’t ready. You were going off half-cocked with fae. You needed more help than that, but until you asked for it, we weren’t going to give it to you.”

I huffed. “You don’t get to make my choices for me.”

“And yet, in this case, we did it to keep you safe.”

I opened the file. “Stop saying ‘we’ like you and the Chief are one entity. You’re both overbearing assholes, but definitely two separate ones.”

“Maybe I’m using the royal we.”

I rolled my eyes and scanned the papers, but I was too tired and too wired all at once to absorb anything.

“I’m taking this,” I said, handing the file to Fin. “Do you think our safe house is still secure?”

“It should be. I’ve had people watching.”

Of course he did.

Melinda stood and wandered over to where we were.

I tried to keep my face neutral even though I wanted to tell her off.

“Your ride here yet?” I asked.

She shook her head. “I’m not going anywhere. I want to help.”

We all looked to Helix who stood where she’d left him, seething.

I broke the tense silence. “Why? Why right now I mean?”

Tags: Amelia Shaw The Rover Fantasy