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“I thought I taught you better than this, Zoey,” Hawk said, entering the doorway. “This position isn’t exactly defensible.”

Chapter Twenty

I WAS SO SURPRISED to see Hawk, even with that smart ass remark, that I threw myself into him in a hug. He let out an oof as I made impact with his chest, but he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a squeeze.

When he lowered me to my feet again, I stared up at him and shook my head. “Not that I’m not glad to see you, but how did you know where to find me?”

“The Chief put a tracker on the devices we gave you. We’ve been watching in case something happened.”

Right now, I couldn’t even be angry about the fact they had me under surveillance. Although later, I’d be having a conversation with the Chief.

Hawk surveyed the scene and locked eyes with Fin and then Helix. Something seemed to pass between him and Helix but neither said anything.

“They’ve been coming in waves so watch your back.” Even before I got the words out, more shouts came from the other end of the hallway.

Hawk leaned back to peer down the hall and then waved his hand “The guys have got the rest of this. Let’s get you out of here. Is this everyone?”

Helix crossed the room to the door to retrieve Melinda while Fin and I lined up next to Hawk’s hulking frame.

When Melinda joined us, Hawk met her eyes and something seemed to pass between them too. I scowled at Fin who shrugged. We didn’t have time to contemplate what that look meant right now.

Hawk stepped into the hallway with the confidence of a general leading his army. He held up his hand, keeping us in the room until he gave the signal. Then he stalked forward, crooking his fingers for us to follow. I went first, Fin came behind me, Melinda after him, and Helix at the end of the line.

We maneuvered around a lot of dead goons and I wondered how many Esteban had sent to capture Melinda and me. We followed Hawk up the hallway and into the house. The entire upper level looked like a tornado had swept through. Guilt bubbled up in me, and I considered how much I now owed Melinda. If I hadn’t convinced her to help me, she’d be safe and happy in her home. Now, she was no longer safe, and her house had been destroyed.

The guys Hawk had brought with him took out a couple more goons on the upper levels as we made our way out the front door to a waiting SUV. Once inside, Hawk took the driver’s seat and we sped away.

Melinda sagged into the door, tears spilling down her cheeks. Helix passed her a handkerchief, which she took and then faced away from us as if she didn’t want anyone to witness her breakdown. A sentiment I understood well.

I shifted on the seat and hissed as my side ached. Fin grabbed me around the waist and hauled me onto his lap, at the same time healing the wound he’d started before.


I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. “It’s better. Thank you.”

“Where are we going?” I called up at Hawk, with my face pressed against Fin’s neck. Even sweaty and dust streaked, touching him felt like a balm to some inner wounds I couldn’t see inside myself.

“The Office,” Hawk said.

“What’s the Office?” Melinda asked, sniffling.

Helix answered. “The bounty hunter headquarters.”

The tone in his voice made me lift my head and glare at him.

“Don’t tell me you have something against bounty hunters because they just saved our asses.”

He kept his focus on Melinda. “We won’t be staying for long. Our own people will be picking us up from there.”

“You’re welcome,” Hawk said from the front seat.

Once we made it to the warehouse which made up the Office, we all filed out of the vehicle and into the building.

With the late hour, the building was deserted. Thank goodness. I didn’t want to face anyone at this homecoming.

From the moment I walked in the door, I got a sense of peace, of belonging.

Damn. I missed this place so much.

Tags: Amelia Shaw The Rover Fantasy