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“I saw the aftermath,” he said. “You don’t need to explain. I realize it was your life or hers. I don’t blame you for making the choice to save your own. In fact, given her transition, I preferred it.”

“Well, thanks for that. A ringing endorsement.”

I shoved a waffle fry in my mouth to give me a moment to think. To consider how to explain the next part. Fin knew something had awoken in me, but he didn’t know about the Black Mage wearing Olivia like last-season’s skin suit.

“When I passed out in you

r arms... I had a dream. Or not really a dream. I was back in the interrogation room and Olivia was there, except, it wasn’t really her. We thought Esteban was the Black Mage tonight, but in the dream, Esteban was like...” How did I explain this? I forced out a long sigh. “It was like he possessed her. Esteban was in Olivia’s body after the party disappeared. I’m pretty sure of it.”

Fin watched me, his brows drawn tight.

This is the part where he throws me out and tells me never to come back.

But instead, he sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at his hands, his face still painted with confusion.

“You had what we call a sending. It’s a sort of dream but brought on by someone with magical ability to another person with magical ability. It’s not possible unless there is magic in both parties.”

“Okay, so why do you look like I just kicked your puppy in the balls?”

“Sendings are mage magic,” he explained. “Both parties must have mage magic in their veins to give or receive a sending.”

“Fin, you’re the one who gave me the whole ‘we need to figure out your magic’ song and dance. I didn’t ask to come back here. I asked to go home.”

I didn’t want to even think about the face that I had magic. That added far too many questions to my lineage that I couldn’t answer.

With a long sigh, he shifted his knee up to face me on top of the coverlet. “You’re right. I’m sorry. You know why I feel so much anger when it comes to mages. The thought you could be one, well, I couldn’t...”

He met my eyes, pleading for me to understand, and I reached out to him. He scooped my hand in both of his. With his fingers tucked tight around my palm, I drew the first full breath since we started this conversation.

“Is there anything else you need to tell me?” he asked.

I shook my head, grasping at the slips of memory from the fights and the party. “Ex is dead. The Black Mage can wear other people’s bodies. Magic can be transferred to objects. Oh, you have a twin sister and the Black Mage wants to roast you both and steal your magic for himself. Did we cover everything?”

He squeezed my hand. “I think that about does it. Anyone ever tell you that you have a knack for summarizing traumatic experiences?”

I gave him a wink and slipped my hand from his grasp. With the truth out, I could eat and not feel guilty about shoving an entire chicken sandwich in my face.

Before I did though I looked back into Fin’s eyes. “I’m not sure if you want to stay for this. This sandwich and I are about to get Fifty Shades of Gray. Then I’m going to take on the fries and call for seconds.”

He laughed, his face splitting into a gorgeous smile. “Of course, I’ll leave you to your conquests.”

He stood, buttoned his suit jacket, and walked out.

Once I demolished the rest of the food, and the second round Holly brought, I settled back into the pillows. The doc had left some pain meds, and they sang me to sleep accompanied by my full belly.

I closed my eyes and then opened them to find myself back in the Black Mage’s cave type ballroom. The one beneath the ground.

This time though, a woman stood in the middle of the dance floor. She wore a deep purple gown that billowed out in a cloud of tulle.

When I approached, her back was to me, but she turned right before I reached out to touch her shoulder.

When I saw her face, I jerked away. She had the same mesmerizing eyes as Fin, the same soft fall of hair.

Shit. I know who this is.

“Hello Zoey, it’s so nice to finally meet you,” Fin’s sister said. “I’m Sol.”

The End of Part 1.

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